Cain Parle : Formes
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Elles me montreraient ma victime au moment de la mise à mort.

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Abeilles : Abeille Isolée Abeilles : Niveau Cellulaire Lecture : Hive-maker Regarde Télé Ou Pas : Oeil Télé Cain Parle : Oscillateur x/y Cain Parle : Formes Cain Parle : Fantômes Lecture : Regard de Crâne Lecture : Regard de Crâne Lecture : Abbassid Apprends Abeilles : Corps Menaçant

A quantum animal, toothless and old, tries to break free from the electrical zoo  cellule  in which the  abeille  have kept it for almost 20 years now, feeding it a correct diet, but denying it a mate, and forcing it to stand and be stared at five days out of six (they have a six  jour  week on this  planète , which is a bit closer to its  soleil  than Earth is). Actually, this effort has become its signature behavior, repeated minute after minute, hour after hour, something that all the visitors to the zoo get to see.
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