File d'Abeille : File Interrompu
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Je vivais dans une tour folle au-dessus de Trinity Site. Le jour de ma mort, les autres morts m'ont rendu visite.

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Rond a Nouveau : Fatboy Rond a Nouveau : Fatboy Immeubles : Tour Malade Immeubles : Tour Malade File d'Abeille : File Interrompu Télé d'Abeilles : Pentagone

The  route  leading up to the isolated vacation  maison  of the brooding  bombe , seen from its point of view, up there on the widow's  marcher , where it climbs everyday to scan the  vide  ocean for approaching passenger ships (there's one, turn on the crash detector, Keep Away From My Shores!... thinks the  bombe , which actually doesn't see a ship, it is just rehearsing what it would do if it saw one).
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