Marcher : Portes
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J'avais atteint le pays des Morts.

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Marcher : Portes

The  visage  of lit rocks slides down through the frame, as we pass by some sort of x-ray separation through vaults of frozen magma never before split into articulated walls by the gaze of a human consciousness. Actually, between that last shot and this, we must have already made it to the inner  terre . Flourescents appear, then two elevator doors, which with sudden obviousness show themselves as the normal and usual way of entering Carlsbad Caverns. Either or any door can open, but only one does, in rhyme with music that stirs the soul; and in time with both rhyme and door, Jacob strides forth, into the very land where he will lose his soul. He walks past the waiting chairs, through the spinning door, and out anywhere beyond. That's all we have to know about this shot.
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


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