Grotte : Rideaux
visionner aux alentours de cette ligne du script
visionner le film du début a la fin
Il était bientôt temps.

avant après
Grotte : Rideaux

The  blanc  and waxy  cave .  Jacob  stands small in the corner, surrounded by still  air  and fluctuating  pierre  walls, which might be part of a potemkin village constructed by US Park Service Rangers and left intact for him to accidentally  découvrir . Or perhaps he has stumbled up the staircase to heaven and, stopping halfway up to take off his  chapeau , gotten  perdu  on the landing, as the sound of the party fades away and the artichoke paste he had in his  bouche  an hour before, now sour and poisonous in his  bouche , at first taste (a month has passed, so suddenly).
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


visionner le film du début a la fin