Brume : Fantômes
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C'était l'épouse morte de Zoltan Abbassid. Elle appelait de la lune.

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Voitures : Boghei Brume : Fantômes Voitures : Boghei Télé d'Abeilles : Descendant Rond a Nouveau : Lune Brume : Fantômes

From a wax cylinder, we see the image of a speaking woman. These are the first recorded electronic moving images... encoded as audio-frequency signals, then either stored on wax platters, or sent across the  air  or airless  vue  to receiving  radio  sets. The wax discs had a few minutes to a side. John Logie Baird built special TV sets that attached to the  radio , which converted that audio transmitted into the incoherent faces of your loved ones, and others who might be unknown to you.
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