Rond a Nouveau : Lune
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Là, je suis né à nouveau, sous la forme d'un X, une mire flottante.

avant après
Rond a Nouveau : Lune Rond a Nouveau : Lune Marque X : Seul Marque X : Seul

The  naissance  of the X-Shape passes quickly. Suddenly we're back just to the twinned  paire ,  planète  and  lune . The rotation and alignment that produced the X-shape were part of the motion of a production  ligne . More X-'s on the way. Or it could be the dynamic image of other-dimensional rookery, filled with many 4-D eggs, all  tournant  in their own  espace , out of phase with one another, and collectively exhibiting the entire birth process in a form difficult to decipher.
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


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