Marque X : Seul
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Tout cela me rappela soudain... que j'étais mort.

avant après
Immeubles : Maison Marque X : Seul Marque X : Seul Dormir : Grotte

Out of the  sombre  behind the bedspread, the X-shape rushes towards us. It is stopped by the near picture plane we extrude from our  yeux . There's an eye-box in graphics  espace , created to capture creatures like this, with the nearest  mur  called hither and the farthest  mur  called yon, perhaps first conceptualized at a time when animals were still plentiful on  terre , and boats made out of wood carried harpoons and sank attached to whales. Here, like a timid killer or familiar devil, the X-shape, tries to move sideways, in order to escape attention by becoming part of the  sombre .
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


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