Abeilles : Vieilles Ruches
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En automne 1917, James Hive-Maker s'était mis à détester son beau-frère Zoltan Abassid.

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Abeilles : Vieilles Ruches

We're in the  noir  and  blanc   monde  now. Some fellow is taking the top off one of a tall group of  ruches  probably filled with  miel . The top levels of the  ruche  that hold all that money-making liquor (as is planned in the design of the  boîte ) It is a sunny Sunday, church is out, most of the congregation is back at  maison  with their family, except for the beekeeper here, who works  jour  and  nuit , chained to the site (by that leg outstretched behind him), a busy  abeille  in giant form.
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