星のかけら : 爆発する恐怖


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星のかけら : 爆発する恐怖 地平線 : 過去

In the 暗い, at , there are often small lights, that can be bugs, ships, other houses or boats on the sea, people with flashlights, small cars across the 砂漠, or simply 星(複). The latter are often the most confusing... they move, we all accept that fact, but they shouldn't move too fast, or else they could crash close to us, and reveal through 一つの example (a crater in the 地面, a curved ドア opens out of the smooth metal, and then a glowing plasmic glove emerges, gripping the 鋭い edge of the doorway) that all 星(複) are actually observing spaceships, which stare stare stare.

Perhaps the 星(複) that run and 踊り around each other here, like the active elements of a poison gas that recombines itself on the 飛ぶ in the 空気, on the , and in the lungs of its host... perhaps these 星(複), playing like loving, instinct-driven puppies in the , aren't actually smart enough to watch us and take notes. NOT SO, says Hive-Maker (is he dreaming, or is this a reportage, and proof of his to-be-explained theories) these are the actual 死んだ, who are behind anything, including technology, related to death in our 世界. It is their work, a profession into which they have been kidnapped and from which they cannot escape. They only look like マンガ 星(複).
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割
グリッドを分割 グリッドを分割

