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- Abbott, Lee K. Dreams of Distant Lives. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1989 (1st American edition, cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "Why I Live in Hanoi"
- Abbott, Lee K. Jr. The Heart Never Fits Its Wanting. Cedar Falls, IA : The North American Review (University of Northern Iowa), ©1980, ©1979 (cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "A Modern Story of Woe and Lovecraft"
b. "The Viet Cong Love of Sgt. Donnie T. Bobo" (pp.26-34)
- Abbott, Lee K. "I'm Glad You Asked" [see: Abbott, Lee K. Strangers in Paradise]
- Abbott, Lee K. Love is the Crooked Thing. Chapel Hill, NC : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1986. (cloth cover, dust jacket)
a. "We Get Smashed and Our Endings are Swift"
- Abbott, Lee K. "A Modern Story of Woe and Lovecraft" [see: Abbott, Lee K. Jr. The Heart Never Fits Its Wanting]
- Abbott, Lee K. "Rolling Thunder" [see: Abbott, Lee K. Strangers in Paradise]
- Abbott, Lee K. Strangers in Paradise. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1986 (cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "I'm Glad You Asked" (pp.225-231) b. "Rolling Thunder"
- Abbott, Lee K. "The Viet Cong Love of Sgt. Donnie T. Bobo" [see: Abbott, Lee K. Jr. The Heart Never Fits Its Wanting] [see: Greenberg, Martin H. & Norton, Augustus Richard (eds.). Touring Nam; The Vietnam War Reader]
- Abbott, Lee K. "We Get Smashed and Our Endings are Swift" [see: Abbott, Lee K. Love is the Crooked Thing]
- Abbott, Lee K. "Why I Live in Hanoi" [see: Abbott, Lee K. Dreams of Distant Lives]
- Abrahams, William (ed.) Prize Stories 1976; The O.Henry Awards. Garden City, NY : Doubleday, 1976 (1st edition, cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. O'Brien, Tim. "Night March" (pp.211-219) (©1975, originally published in Redbook under the title "Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?")
- Abrahams, William (ed.) Prize Stories of the Seventies from the O. Henry Awards. New York : Washington Square Press (Pocket Books), 1981 (1st Washington Square printing).
a. O'Brien, Tim. "Night March" (pp.318-328)
- Abrahams, William (ed.) Prize Stories; The O. Henry Awards 1987. Garden City, NY : Doubleday, 1987 (1st edition, cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. Pitzen, Jim. "The Village" (pp.132-143)
- Adam 1966 Yearbook (Fireside Edition), Los Angeles, CA : Knight Publishing, 1966, ©1965.
a. Ford, H.W. "Bamboo Reunion"
b. Sprague, W.E. "The Loners" [post-war story about ex-fighter pilot, with references to Vietnam]
- Adam Magazine. Vol.10, no.12, December 1966.
a. Sellers, Con. "Man With a Medal"
- Adam Magazine. Vol.12, no.5, May 1968.
a. Larsen, Charles E. "The First One"
- Adam Magazine. Vol.12, no.7, July 1968. a. Devereaux, Michael. "Sea-Motion" [French doctor heading for the Vietnam War]
- Adam Magazine. Vol.15, no.4, May 1971.
a. Bunch, Chris. "Hands of Fools"
- Agee, Jonis, et al. Stiller's Pond: New Fiction from the Upper Midwest. St. Paul, MN : New Rivers Press, 1988.
a. Christman, Rick. "The Mai-Loan and the Man Who Could Fly" (pp. 163-169)
- Aitken, James. "Lederer's Legacy" [see: Karlin, Wayne; Paquet, Basil T.; & Rottman, Larry (eds.) Free Fire Zone; Short Stories by Vietnam Veterans]
- Alberts, Laurie. "Veterans" [see: Kaufman, Alan (ed.) The New Generation; Fiction for Our Time from America's Writing Programs]
- Algren, Nelson. The Last Carousel. New York : Putnam, 1972 (cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "What Country Do You Think You're In?" (pp.138-143)
b. "Police and Mama-sans Get It All" (pp.144-150)
- Algren, Nelson. "Police and Mama-sans Get It All" [see: Algren, Nelson. The Last Carousel.]
- Algren, Nelson. "What Country Do You Think You're In?" [see: Algren, Nelson. The Last Carousel.]
- Amazing Stories, Vol. 61, No. 6, March 1987. (issue 533).
a. Wilson, F. Paul. "Dat-Tay-Vao" (pp.16-33)
- American Review 25, The Magazine of New Writing, No. 25, October 1976. New York : Bantam Books, 1976.
a. Berger, Thomas. "The Achievement of Dr. Poon"
- Amidon, Bill. "Cannonball Catchers" [see: Evergreen Review, March 1970]
- Analog, Vol. 77, No. 2, April 1966.
a. Scott, Robin S. "Who Needs Insurance"
- Analog, Vol. 79, No. 4, June 1967.
a. Reynolds, Jack. "Computer War, Part I"
- Analog, Vol. 79, No. 5, July 1967.
a. Reynolds, Jack. "Computer War, Part II"
- Analog, Vol. 81, No. 4, June 1968.
a. Chilson, Robert. "The Mind Reader"
- Analog, Vol. 81, No. 5, July 1968.
a. Poyer, Joe. "Null Zone" (pp.54-72)
- Analog, Vol. 82, No. 3, November 1968.
a. Macfarlane, W. "The Ultimate Danger"
- Analog, Vol. 90, No. 2, October 1972.
a. Hamil, Ralph E. "The Vietnam War Centennial Celebration" (pp.94-107)
- Analog, Vol. 91, No. 1, March 1973.
a. Brunner, John. "Who Steals My Purse"
- Analog, Vol. 91, No. 6, August 1973.
a. Hudgins, Karl. "The Jungle"
- Analog, Vol. 92, No. 4, December 1973.
a. Perkins, Lawrence A. "Soldiers' Home"
- Anaya, Rudolfo A. (ed.) Blue Mesa Review, No.2, Spring 1990.
a. Flores, Carlos Nicolas. "Black and White" (pp.38-62) [Johnny, just returned from Vietnam, has died in a car accident, leaving a pregnant Vietnamese wife still in Vietnam, and his brother to cope with his death. Johnny's brother must deal with his death and the war. Includes short flashback episodes in Vietnam as told by Johnny to his brother.]
b. Weston, John Martinez. "The Wall" (pp.136-139) [The Moving Wall exhibit comes to Albuquerque. Narrator recalls his experience in Vietnam during the war, remembering a friend who died there and explaining why he cannot go to the wall.]
- Anaya, Rudolfo A. & Marquez, Antonio (eds.) Cuentos Chicanos; A Short Story Anthology (Revised Edition). Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 1985 (©1984, trade paperback).
a. Perea, Robert L. "Small Arms Fire" (pp.119-124)
- Anaya, Rudolfo A. (ed.) Voces: An Anthology of Nuevo Mexicano Writers. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 1988, ©1987.
a. Lamadrid, Enrique R. "Enemy Way"
- Andersen, David "Doc" (ed.) Adventures in Hell, Volume I: Vietnam War Stories by Vietnam Vets. Ritzville, WA : Ritz Publishing, 1990 (1st printing, trade paperback).
a. Andersen, D.A. "Temescal Moon" (pp.185-255)
b. Anonymous. "Brothers Lost" (pp.33-34)
c. Banko, Stephen T. III. "The Wisest Know Nothing" (pp.37-45)
d. Crunk, Bob. "Hell's Roller Coaster" (pp.59-66)
e. Flanagan, Robert J. "Green on Green" [from a novel in progress] (pp.15-19)
f. Hurst, C.R. "The Cua Viet River Rat Races" (pp.73-77)
g. Hurst, C.R. "Never Was Blind, Only Shortsighted" (pp.69-71)
h. McMahon, Marilyn M. "In This Land" (pp.49-50)
i. McPartland, Kevin R. "Panjang Island" (pp.103-106)
j. Mueller, James M. Jr. "A Christmas to Remember" (pp.29-31)
k. Robinson, William. "The Mobile Riverine Force" (pp.109-172)
l. Schmitt, Ronnie. "Only Those Who Were There Will Know" (pp.175-182)
m. Thomas, James L. "One More Hill" (pp.83-98)
- Andersen, D.A. "Temescal Moon" [see: Andersen, David "Doc" (ed.) Adventures in Hell, Volume I: Vietnam War Stories by Vietnam Vets] [see: Andersen, David "Doc" (ed.). Temescal Moon, Adventures in Hell: Short Stories about Vietnam by Vietnam Vets]
- Andersen, David "Doc" (ed.). Temescal Moon, Adventures in Hell: Short Stories about Vietnam by Vietnam Vets. Ritzville, WA : Ritz Publishing, 1990 (chapbook)Andersen, D.A. "Temescal Moon" (pp.9-71)
- Anderson, Kent. "Sympathy for the Devil" [see: Greenberg, Martin H. & Norton, Augustus Richard (eds.). Touring Nam; The Vietnam War Reader] [see: TriQuarterly 45, Spring 1979
- Anderson, Steve. "American Expedition" [see: Caesura, Spring 1989]
- Anderson, Steve. "Forgiveness" [see: Vietnam Generation Newsletter, February 1991]
- Anderson, Steve. "Skin" [see: Beloit Fiction Journal, Fall 1990]
- Anderson, Steve. "Strack" [see: Balfour, Vivian Vie (ed.) The Perimeter of Light]
- Anderson, Steve. "Where Water Buffalo Fly" [see: Sign of the Times, Smmer 1989]
- Anisfield, Nancy (ed.) Vietnam Anthology: American War Literature. Bowling Green, OH : Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1987 (cloth cover, dust jacket) [includes novel excerpts, short stories, drama excerpts, and poetry]
a. Huddle, David. "The Interrogation of the Prisoner Bung by Mister Hawkins and Sergeant Tree" (pp.37-44)
b. Baber, Asa. "The Ambush" (pp.45-49)
c. Rottman, Larry. "Thi Bong Dzu" (pp.50-55)
d. Heinemann, Larry. "The First Clean Fact" (pp.66-74)
e. Wolff, Tobias. "Wingfield" (pp.75-78)
f. O'Brien, Tim. "The Things They Carried" (pp.79-94)
- Anonymous. "Brothers Lost" [see: Andersen, David "Doc" (ed.) Adventures in Hell, Volume I: Vietnam War Stories by Vietnam Vets]
- Antaeus, No. 49/50, Spring/Summer 1983.
a. Wolff, Tobias. "The Barracks Thief"
- Antioch Review. Vol. 41, No. 4, Fall 1983.
a. Boswell, Robert. "The Right Thing"
- Arias-Misson, Alain. "Vietnam--Superfiction" [see: Chicago Review, Vol.23, no.2, Autumn 1971.] [see: Klinkowitz, Jerome and John Somer (eds.) Writing Under Fire]
- Ascent, Vol.16, no.2, Winter 1992
a. Bukoski, Anthony. "The Temperature in January" (pp.61-72)
- The Atlantic, Vol.260, no.4, October 1987
a. Hawkes, G.W. "At the Walls of Jericho" (pp.79-82)
- The Atlantic, Vol. 264, No. 3, September 1989.
a. Johnson, Wayne. "Hippies, Indians, Buffalo"
- The Atlantic, Vol.269, No.1, January 1992.
a. O'Brien, Tim. "People We Marry" (p.90-92, 94, 97-98)
- Available Press/PEN Short Story Collection. (introduction by Anne Tyler). New York : Ballantine Books, 1985 (1st Ballantine Books edition, trade paperback).
a. Taylor, Pat Ellis. "A Call From Brotherland"
b. Keeley, Edmund. "Cambodian Diary, 1979: The Second Death"
- Baber, Asa. "The Ambush" [see: Anisfield, Nancy (ed.) Vietnam Anthology: American War Literature] [see: Baber, Asa. Tranquillity Base and other stories] [see: Klinkowitz, Jerome and John Somer (eds.) Writing Under Fire]
- Baber, Asa. "Ambush: Laos, 1960" [see: Greenberg, Martin H. & Norton, Augustus Richard (eds.). Touring Nam; The Vietnam War Reader] [see: TriQuarterly 45, Spring 1979]
- Baber, Asa. "The French Lesson" [see: Playboy, March 1981.]
- Baber, Asa. "How I Got Screwed and Almost Tatooed by Huck Finn" [see: Baber, Asa. Tranquillity Base and other stories]
- Baber, Asa. "The Surfer" [see: Hawaii Review, Spring/Fall 1980] [see: Stewart, Frank (ed.) Passages to the Dream Shore]
- Baber, Asa. Tranquillity Base and other stories. Canton, NY : Fiction International, 1979.
a. "The Ambush" (pp.14-20)
b. "How I Got Screwed and Almost Tatooed by Huck Finn" (pp.95-108)
- Baker, Richard E. "Feast of Epiphany" [see: Bunchberries [Fort Steilacoom Community College Arts & Letters Journal] [see: Baker, Richard E. A Shattered Visage]
- Baker, Richard. "Flag Burning" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.]
- Baker, Richard. The Flag. San Francisco (Dos Palos, CA) : Broken Anchor Press, 1990 (chapbook).
a. "Flag Burning"
b. "Hunted"
c. "The Initiation"
d. "The Listener"
e. "Reunion"
f. "An Understanding"
g. "Wolf Poems"
- Baker, Richard. "Hunted" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.]
- Baker, Richard. "The Initiation" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.]
- Baker, Richard E. Janus Rising. Tacoma, WA : Vardaman Press, 1984. [see also POETRY]
a. "An Understanding"
- Baker, Richard E. "The Killing Place." Tacoma, WA : Vardaman Press, 1982. (1st edition, numbered limited edition, chapbook)
- Baker, Richard. "The Listener" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.]
- Baker, Richard. "Reunion" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.]
- Baker, Richard E. A Shattered Visage. Tacoma, WA : Vardaman Press, 1981, ©1982"Feast of Epiphany"
- Baker, Richard. "An Understanding" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.] [see: Baker, Richard E. Janus Rising]
- Baker, Richard. "Wolf Poems" [see: Baker, Richard. The Flag.]
- Balaban, John. "Afoot and Light-Hearted I take to the Open Road" [see: Painted Bride Quarterly, Vol.6, nos.1&2, 1979]
- Balaban, John. "Doing Good" [see: Pushcart Prize, III: Best of the Small Presses]
- Balaban, John. "Story" [see: Painted Bride Quarterly, Vol.6, nos.1&2, 1979]
- Balfour, Vivian Vie (ed.) The Perimeter of Light: Short Fiction and Other Writing About the Vietnam War. Minneapolis : New Rivers Press, 1992 ( [1st edition], trade paperback )
a. Vinz, Mark. "Class of '68"
b. Krumberger, John. "Hartford, Michigan"
c. Reichard, William. "War"
d. Connolly, David. "Even Buddha Cried"
e. Connolly, David. "Incident at Ba Ria"
f. Connolly, David. "Letter to the Bear Lost in America"
g. Connolly, David. "An Encounter with a Brother's Father"
h. Connolly, David. "Died in Vietnam"
i. O'Brien, Tim. "The Man I Killed"
j. DeGrazia, Emilio. "The Light at the End of the Tunnel"
k. Bukoski, Anthony. "The Perimeter of Light"
l. Mort, John. "The Hero"
m. Zabytko, Irene. "Home Soil"
n. Anderson, Steve. "Strack"
o. Deming, John. "A Matter of Honor"
p. Christman, Rich. "The Difference a Tet Makes"
q. Christman, Rich. "Fire"
r. Christman, Rich. "The Whore, The Linguist, and the Green Beret"
s. Christman, Rich. "Asylum"
t. Christman, Rich. "Volleyball"
u. Christman, Rich. "Lurp Humor"
v. Christman, Rich. "Six Lucky Men"
w.Christman, Rich. "Dogs"
x. Christman, Rich. "The Chance Encounter of Habermann the Translator and Ly the Street Urchin and How Their Lives Are Changed Forever"
y. Howerton, Walter Jr. "The Persistence of Memory"
z. Woodruff, Lance. (Photographs, pp.150-159)
aa. Brainard, Cecilia Manguerra. "The Blue-Green Chiffon Dress"
bb. Harned, Danielle D'Ottavio. "Like Clouds Depart"
cc. Meissner, Bill. "Freddie and the Dreamers"
dd. Curtis, Eileen. "The Rhythm-aires"
ee. Leask, Ian Graham. "The Blue Lady"
ff. Kohler, Judy. "Jody's Got Your Sister Too"
gg. Johnson, Wayne. "Hippies, Indians, Buffalo"
hh. Minczeski, John. "Sgt. Pepper Summer"
ii. Brody, Leslie. "Dogs of War"
jj. Truesdale, C.W. "El Angel del la Guerra"
kk. Ehlert, Bob. "A Pilot Crashes -- A Wife Waits Twenty-Two Years"
ll. Hougen, Judith. "Home of the Brave"
mm. Warde, Robert. "Reflections on an Old War" (pp.283-289)
- Ballard, J.G. "The University of Death" [see: Klinkowitz, Jerome and John Somer (eds.) Writing Under Fire]
- Banerian, James (ed.) Vietnamese Short Stories: An Introduction. (edited and with Translations by James Banerian) Phoenix, AZ : Sphinx Publishing, 1986 (trade paperback).
- Banko, Stephen T. III. "The Wisest Know Nothing" [see: Andersen, David "Doc" (ed.) Adventures in Hell, Volume I: Vietnam War Stories by Vietnam Vets]
- Banks, Russell. "The Fish" [see: Banks, Russell. Success Stories.]
- Banks, Russell. Success Stories. New York : Harper & Row, 1986 (1st edition, cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "The Fish" (pp.40-48)
- Banks, Russell. Success Stories. New York : Ballantine Books, 1987, ©1986 (1st Ballantine Books edition).
a. "The Fish" (pp.43-51)
- Barrus, Tim. Genocide: The Anthology. Stamford, CT : Knights Press, 1988 (trade paperback)
- Beal, M.F. "Survival" [see: Hicks, Jack (ed.) Cutting Edges]
- Beck, Warren A. & Clowers, Myles L. (comp.) Understanding American History Through Fiction, (2 Volumes). New York : McGraw-Hill, 1975.
a. Maggio, Joe. Reading 49 -- "Company Man"
b. Maitland, Derek. Readings 50 and 51 -- "The Only War We've Got"
- Beer, Ralph. "Riders" [see: TriQuarterly 48, Spring 1980)
- Bellamy, Joe David. "Saving the Boat People" [see: Laughlin, J. (ed.) New Directions 51]
- Beloit Fiction Journal, Vol.6?, no.1, Fall 1990
a. Anderson, Steve. "Skin" (pp.33-37)
- Bennett, John (ed.) A Good Day to Die Ellensburg, WA : Vagabond Press, 1985(6?).
a. Reith, Gerry. "Winning Hearts & Minds"
- Berger, Thomas. "The Achievement of Dr. Poon" [see: American Review 25, The Magazine of New Writing]
- Berkeley SAMISDAT Review #1. Vol.1, no.1, June 1973 (facsimile reprint of Samisdat #1, prepared by the publisher from xerox copies of the original, with 5 pages of outdated advertising deleted, & page numbers adjusted accordingly).
a. Suddick, Tom [J. Thomas]. "The Diehard" (pp.3-12)
- Berkeley SAMISDAT Review #6. Vol.3, no.2&3, Summer/Fall 1974.
a. Suddick, Tom. "A Shithouse Rat" (pp.25-36)
- Bernard, Kenneth. The Maldive Chronicles. New York : PAJ Publications, 1987 (1st edition, cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "Teddy and I Go Kong"
- Bernard, Kenneth. "Teddy and I Go Kong" [see: Bernard, Kenneth. The Maldive Chronicles.]
- Berney, Louis. "In the Weeds" [see: Story, Spring 1990]
- Bishop, Michael (ed.) Nebula Awards 25, SFWA's Choices for the Best Science Fiction and Fantasy 1989. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991 (1st edition, trade paperback). [see also MISCELLANEOUS]
a. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann. "Snake Charm": The Healer's War, Chapter 16 (p.42-56)
- Black, John. "Escape or Die: Heroism on the Ho Chi Minh Trail" [see: Goodman, Charles (ed.) Hell's Brigade]
- Blount, Richard. "Memorial Day" [see: Blount, Rick, et al. (eds.) These & Other Lands: Stories from the Heartland]
- Blount, Rick, et al. (eds.) These & Other Lands: Stories from the Heartland. Loose Creek, MO : 1986 (trade paperback).
a. Blount, Richard. "Memorial Day" (pp.145-148) [story about a man who claims to be a Vietnam vet]
- Blue Mesa Review, No.2, Spring 1990. [see: Anaya, Rudolfo A. (ed.) Blue Mesa Review.]
- Bobrowsky, Igor. "The Courier" [see: Karlin, Wayne; Paquet, Basil T.; & Rottman, Larry (eds.) Free Fire Zone; Short Stories by Vietnam Veterans]
- Boswell, Robert. Dancing in the Movies. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, 1986 (1st edition, cloth cover, dust jacket).
a. "The Right Thing" (pp.127-144)
- Boswell, Robert. "The Right Thing" [see: Antioch Review] [see: Boswell, Robert. Dancing in the Movies]
- Bova, Ben. "Brothers" [see: Dann, Jeanne Van Buren and Dann, Jack, (eds.). In the Field of Fire]
- Boyd, William. "On the Yankee Station" [see: Boyd, William. On the Yankee Station.]
- Boyd, William. On the Yankee Station. Middlesex, England : Penguin Books, 1983 (©1981).
a. "On the Yankee Station" (pp.111-134)
- Boyd, William. On the Yankee Station. New York : William Morrow and Co., 1984, ©1981, 1982 (1st U.S. edition -- cloth cover, dust jacket)
a. "On the Yankee Station" (pp.104-129)
- Brainard, Cecilia Manguerra. "The Blue-Green Chiffon Dress" [see: Balfour, Vivian Vie (ed.) The Perimeter of Light]
- Brent, Jonathan (ed.) The Best of TriQuarterly. New York : Pocket Books (Washington Square Press), 1982 (1st Washington Square Press printing).
a. Chatain, Robert. "Notes on the present configuration of the Red-Blue conflict" ("...[written] a 'frigid, air-conditioned office in Long Binh, Vietnam' in 1968. ...")
b. Heinemann, Larry. "The first clean fact"
- Brody, Leslie. "Dogs of War" [see: Balfour, Vivian Vie (ed.) The Perimeter of Light]
- Bruccoli, Matthew J. & Layman, Richard (eds.). The New Black Mask, no.8. San Diego; New York : Harvest/HBJ Books, 1987 (1st Harvest/HBJ edition, trade paperback).
a. Lutz, John. "Flotsam and Jetsam" (p.44-67) ["Danny and his Navy buddies had to put the plug in the jug after the war in `Nam. Now they're turning up drunk and dead, and Nudger wants to know who knocked them off the wagon." ]
- Brunner, John. From This Day Forward. New York : DAW Books, 1973, ©1972 (1st printing).
a. "The Inception of the Epoch of Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid" (pp.169-175)
- Brunner, John. "The Inception of the Epoch of Mrs. Bedonebyasyoudid" [see: Brunner, John. From This Day Forward.]
- Brunner, John. "Who Steals My Purse" [see: Analog, March 1973]
- Bukoski, Anthony. "The Fall of Saigon" [see: South Dakota Review, Summer 1988]
- Bukoski, Anthony. "The Perimeter of Light" [see: Balfour, Vivian Vie (ed.) The Perimeter of Light]
- Bukoski, Anthony. "Prisoner of War" [see: Poet & Critic, Fall 1987]
- Bukoski, Anthony. "The Temperature in January" [see: Ascent, Winter 1992]]
- Bukowski, Charles. "Something About a Viet Cong Flag" [see: Bukowski, Charles. South of No North]
- Bukowski, Charles. South of No North. Santa Rosa, CA : Black Sparrow Press, 1988, ©1973 (trade paperback).
a. "Something About a Viet Cong Flag" (pp.74-77) [story does not take place in Vietnam, but alludes to the war]
- Bunch, Chris. "Hands of Fools" [see: Adam Magazine, May 1971]
- Bunchberries [Fort Steilacoom Community College Arts & Letters Journal]. 1979?
a. Baker, Richard E. "Feast of Epiphany"
- Bunting, Josiah. "The Lionheads" [see: Greenberg, Martin H. & Norton, Augustus Richard (eds.). Touring Nam; The Vietnam War Reader]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "The American Couple" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Crickets" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "The Deuce, A Novel" [excerpts] [see: Taylor, Gordon O. (ed.) The Vietnam War and Postmodern Memory]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Fairy Tale" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: The Virginia Quarterly Review, Vol.66, No.4, Autumn 1990]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "A Ghost Story" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: Colorado Review, n.s. Vol.18, No.1, Spring/Summer 1991]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain. New York : Henry Holt, 1992 (1st edition, cloth cover, dust jacket). [ "...his first book of short fiction,... offers a compelling chorus of voices that depicts another, heretofore unspoken, legacy of the Vietnam War -- the experiences and memories of the many Vietnamese expatriots living in their adopted home of America." ]
a. "Open Arms" (pp.1-15)
b. "Mr. Green" (pp.17-28)
c. "The Trip Back" (pp.29-43)
d. "Fairy Tale" (pp.45-57)
e. "Crickets" (pp.59-64)
f. "Letters from My Father" (pp.65-72)
g. "Love" (pp.73-93)
h. "Mid-Autumn" (pp.95-101)
i. "In the Clearing" (pp.103-110)
j. "A Ghost Story" (pp.111-123)
k. "Snow" (pp.125-135)
l. "Relic" (pp.137-142)
m. "Preparation" (pp.143-154)
n. "The American Couple" (pp.155-23
o. "A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain" (pp.235-249)
- Butler, Robert Olen. "In the Clearing" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: Icarus 1, Winter 1991.Premier journal issue, "Teenage Soldiers, Adult Wars"] [see: Teenage Soldiers, Adult Wars]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Letters from My Father" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Love" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Mid-Autumn" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Mr. Green" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: The Hudson Review, Vol.43, No.4, Winter 1991]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Open Arms" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: The Missouri Review, Vol.13, No.1, 1990]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Preparation" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Relic" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: The Gettysburg Review, Vol.3, No.3, Summer 1990]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "Snow" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain]
- Butler, Robert Olen. "The Trip Back" [see: Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent From a Strange Mountain] [see: Southern Review, Autumn 1990.]