Mains : Apiculteurs
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Un télégramme avait averti Hive-Maker d'une nouvelle maladie affectant les abeilles noires anglaises.

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Mains : Apiculteurs Abeilles : Vieilles Ruches

The clouds of  fumée  have dazed the  abeille , a  nuage  of unknowing introduced into the smell-space of the city-hive. Now the ape owner of this  vide  wood  cube  can safely use bare hands to open the bee-home (which the  abeille  did not build, and do not own). Finger morphologically similar to the bones inside whale fins are used with careful articulation to pull out one of the mail-order comb-holding frames from the  ruche . A metal tool provides some assistance in this operation.
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


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