Abeilles : Peigne
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Pour prévenir une possible catastrophe, Hive-Maker espérait acheter une colonie d'abeilles expérimentales de Mésopotamie.

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Abeilles : Peigne Abeilles : Abeille Isolée Horizon : Passe

When we look at this picture, we are inside Hive-Maker, looking through his  yeux  at the great  peigne , which is covered with the  corps  of the  abeille , proto-swarming with a  noir  and  blanc  off-time motion. There are many ways of viewing other  espèces  in time; that is because our senses are mobile. So mobile that we should wonder, what is Hive-Maker really doing... is he now looking through our  yeux , seeing what we see (and doing that at the very same moment that we are seeing what he is seeing, i.e. right now, without our knowledge or consent, and at the same time cleverly avoiding any hint of feedback or recursion in the shared image which might give is a hint of what is going on, or at least confuse us long enough to break our stare, and so deprive him the pleasure of being inside our prolonged and  vide  attention?).

Don't worry about questions like who am I if I see you with my eyes in my sockets someplace other than where they should be... i.e. someplace socketless, someplace on a stick atop a building, someplace in outer space where's there's no air, just the camera lens. We can see from place to place, and that's what we must do.
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diviser la grille diviser la grille


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