Écrits : Télégraphe
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L'ironie de la chose était Spiralum, elle-même, était une inventrice en électronique, qui rêvait de développer un instrument capable de transmettre des images mouvantes par téléphonie.

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Écrits : Télégraphe Écrits : Télégraphe Écrits : Télégraphe Mains : Dactylo Rond a Nouveau : Nipkow Rond a Nouveau : Nipkow Rond a Nouveau : Nipkow

Autonomous papers, which carry typed messages but are themselves, in the  substance  of their crushed woody  corps , actually slow vegetal echoes of  perdu  wind-words (in the paleo-periods of earthly life, the  vent  was a living thing, which reproduced quickly, and spoke with a roar nowadays only known dimly as the whisper of the west  vent  in children's stories), pass from typists under hire at frame left to a conveyer belt crossing the frame diagonally, on their way to distant coded electrification and subsequent disposal. Wind in the  papier ,  vent  on the  papier . the latter came from breath transmitted through the telephone; listening operators wrote down what they heard, accepted the  message  as pre-paid, and placed it onto the silent cousin,  papier , which I have to tell you is chemically receptive to the graphite or ink markings because of this ancient heritage.
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