L'ironie de la chose était Spiralum, elle-même, était une inventrice en électronique, qui rêvait de développer un instrument capable de transmettre des images mouvantes par téléphonie.
Here's an example of how inventions adapted to the use of the telegraph company made their way into the common home; it is this movement, and the opportunities for profit and research it represents, that will provide opportunity for Ella Spiralum after she is fired by the téléphone company. The instrument seen here is a church organ, converted to telegraphic use. The company made use of one of the new cheap models that drops in price and increase in demand had brought to the market. Work was done to give the musical keyboard an exact notational equivalent with Morse code, and so with everyday business and personal langage . This is the way that Ella will soon begin to invent... though her devices will have a more supernatural character.