Brume : Fantômes
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Tous, les dimanches, pendant la séance , les fantômes apparaissaient pour se faire photographier avec les vivants par Ella et son étrange caméra.

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Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes Brume : Fantômes

Oh, what an idea the lightbulb was, blinking in the  sombre , using power previously assigned to hair that stood straight up, which now is used to keep the  sombre  away, and forever after will be used as a  signe  in the comics for a good idea, cling, blink, suddenly appearing in your  tête  and also halfway into the  air  in the  forme  of a lit bulb. Here, someone is in the bulb, a sort of foetal after-thought coming into the  monde  in the  forme  of a person, pressing to be born against the fragile sides of the imaginary  vitre  lightbulb somewhat strangely hanging in the middle of the  air  above your  air , not held up there by a wire or other support or power source.

The man having this thought and other thoughts has his hair slicked back and a  paire  of  ombres  under his  yeux . the power of his thoughts are being sucked out of his  tête  and up through his hair by the power of mourning, which has brought him here to the medium's studio in mid-afternoon. It tires him.
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