Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite
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Grâce a Hive-Maker, Ella Spiralum fut engage comme médium.

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Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite Brume : La Nuit Brume : Fantômes

Flapping pictures of birds created by the clay-pigeon zoetrope at the Kensington Museum in London... large earth-made bird statues in various sequential poses are mounted in a giant horizontal drum with evenly spaced viewing slits cut in its side. When the drum is spun, the bird seem to become a  seule  flying bird held in the eternal return of cycle animation (no mutation possible there in that machine-gunned eternal claylife, through the viewer is invited to wink and blink and use all manner of organic filters in an attempt to create a new, unique, and, most importantly, survivable and potentially reproducible image.)
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