Lecture : A la Télé, Regarder
visionner aux alentours de cette ligne du script
visionner le film du début a la fin
Une femme est apparue sur l'écran, puis quatre femmes.

avant après
Lecture : A la Télé, Regarder Lecture : A la Télé, Regarder Brume : Formes Nuageuses

Marie in the funhouse(though it might be argued that Marie is a self-resembling image that  Ella  has built into her own  machine ) staring through closed lids at everyone out there she is thinking of (and she thinks a lot, about a lot of people, all the time... since it -is- after the end of the  monde  for her, time is at least 4x as large as it is for us, or as it is for our friends the blessed living frogs, who sit out on the lawn at  nuit , after the lawnmowers are done and as the  sombre   ciel  drops  lumière   eau , happy that they can see above the short grass again).
diviser la grille diviser la grille
diviser la grille diviser la grille


visionner le film du début a la fin