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Perhaps more vividly than any other landscape type, Wet Lands metaphor how landscapes are situated within a complex system of relationships. As contingent lands, these wet lands are always in relation to something else.
My contribution to making the world anew, to mapping, is through the mapping of what I call "Wet Lands."
Wet Lands are those portions of our landscapes that not quite dry and not quite saturated, the spaces in our landscapes that span the range between terra firma and the fluid substance that slips between your fingers. They include traditional wetlands and also river zones, drainage swales, stormwater structures, and dams. They are complex territories, in part because they are simultaneously wet and dry. They are complex in part because they are always contingent upon other forces--wind, climate, water budgets, vegetation, root systems, underground conduits, chemistry, rain.
Copyright Kathy Poole 2000 all rights reserved