

Registered Landscape Architect, Texas. Registration Number 1723.
Fellow, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia
1033 Hazel Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4904
office tel. 804.924.3004

fax: 804.982.2636

email: kpoole@virginia.edu

E d u c a t i o n
1987-90 Master of Landscape Architecture with distinction. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
1981-85 Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, cum laude. Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
1980-81 Pursued Piano Performance degree. University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

A c a d e m i c H o n o r s
1990 Charles Eliot Traveling Fellowship, Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard
University, "The Aesthetics of Politics: Stockholm's Park System, 1927-35."

1990 Sinclair Kennedy Traveling Fellowship, Harvard University, "The Transformation of Nature in
the Architecture of Alvar Aalto."

1990 Penny White Scholarship, Harvard University, "Predicting Vegetation Species Richness in
Hedgerows," Letchworth, England.

1989 Penny White Scholarship, Harvard University, "A Public Landscape for Columbus, Indiana."

P r o f e s s i o n a l P r a c t i c e in Landscape Architecture
1996- present Kathy Poole, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design. Houston, TX and
Charlottesville, VA.
Responsibilities: Team member in urban design projects in Haiti; individually responsible for urban designs in VA and TN; garden design.

1992-93 SWA Group, Inc. Landscape Architecture. Houston, TX.
Responsibilities: Design, development, and construction drawings for various types of landscapes (parks, plazas, greenways, detention parks, corporate landscapes, new towns); Project management and construction supervision.

1991-92 Office of James Burnett, Landscape Architect. Houston, TX.
Responsibilities: Design, development, and construction drawings for gardens; Team member in master planning of hospital complexes.

1990 Morgan Wheelock, Inc. Boston, MA.
Responsibilities: Design development of estate paving designs, pool and gardens, planting design; county club tennis facilities and garden; design development of corporate landscape.

1988 Duany/Plater-Zyberk Associates.
Town Plan, "Kentlands". Gaithersburg, MD. Charrette Participant. Responsibilities: Development of public spaces and landscape architectural strategy.

1988-89 Aga Khan Unit For Housing, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Responsibilities: Illustrator and secondary author, "Low Maintenance Landscapes for the Middle East."

1987 Derek Lovejoy and Associates. London, England. (Summer) Responsibilities: Preparation of Public Enquiry Documents for various projects
1985-87 Odell Associates, Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture, Engineering. Charlotte, NC.
Responsibilities: Schematic design and design development, construction drawings, project
management of office parks, hospital complexes, industrial parks, single-family developments, multi-family housing. Project management.

Professional Honor
1991 Honor Award, Unbuilt Design, Texas Chapter of ASLA, Columbus Common.

S u c c e s s f u l F e l l o w s h i p a n d G r a n t P r o p o s a l s (selected)
1999-2001 Resident Fellowship for 1999-2001, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia. Boston's Back Bay Fens: Transforming A Classic Case Study Into A Three-Dimensional Animation of Ecological Dynamics.

1999 Grant, Faculty Senate Initiative to Promote Excellence in Teaching, University of Virginia. A Physical + Virtual Herbarium of Middle Atlantic Wetland Plants.

1998-99 Fellowship, University Teaching Fellows Program 1998-99, University of Virginia, Technics of Civic Hydrology: Visual Case Studies of Stormwater Infrastructure. Awarded April 1998.

1996 Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. Civic Ecology: Boston's Back Bay Fens as Civic Infrastructure.

1998-99 Associate Fellowship + $5000 grant, Institute for the Advancement of Technology in the
Humanities, University of Virginia, A Three-Dimensional Animation of Cultural Dynamics:The Relationship of Park, People, and Development.

1999 Ralph Hudson Environmental Fellowship, Landscape Architecture Foundation, Boston's Back Bay Fens: Transforming A Classic Case Study Into A Three-Dimensional Animation of Ecological Dynamics.

1998 Alton Jones Foundation, Developing Tools for Integrating Ecological Techniques into the Architecture School Curriculum.

Publications (selected)

Published Articles
2000 "Civic Hydrology: Water as Civic Infrastructure in Bellevue, Washington," Arcade, A Journal for Architecture and Design in the Northwest, Fall 2000, vol. 19-1.

1999 Critic at Large: "Civic Hydrology: Defining Public Ground in Frederick, Maryland," Landscape Architecture Magazine, June.

1999 "Wet Lands: Civic Stormwater + Contingent Spaces, Carr's Hill University of Virginia," Design Proposal, Eco-Revelatory Design: Nature Constructed / Nature Revealed, Special Issue 1998, Landscape Journal. Accepted for publication March 1997.

1998 "Civitas Oecologie: Civic Infrastructure in the Ecological City," Harvard Architecture Review. Accepted for publication January 1995.

1997 "The Aesthetics of Infrastructure: An Ecological Stormwater Design for the University of Virginia," (with Prof. Shaw Yu, Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Virginia), Aesthetics in the Constructed Environment: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Water Resources Planning and Management Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers.

1995 "Civic Ecology: Infrastructure in the Dynamic City," Critical Urbanism, Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Northeast Regional Conference 1995.

1995 "Civic Infrastructure: Ecology in the Dynamic City," Renewing the American City, Proceedings of the American Society of Landscape Architects and the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, October 1995.

1994 "Ecology as Content: A Subversive (Alternative) Approach to Landscape Design. Ecology, Aesthetics and Design: Scholarly Papers Presented at the 1994 ASLA Annual Meeting and EXPO, October 8-11, 1994, San Antonio, Texas. American Society of Landscape Architects and the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.

1994 "On the Sublime and the Beautiful: Mount St. Helens Photographs by Frank Gohlke," Review of Exhibit Featured at the 1993 Conference of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. Landscape Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, Fall.

Publications Accepted and In Press
due 2001 Book Chapter. "Synthetic Expressions: Resituating Ecology Within Urban Systems," The chapter is an outgrowth of Water Sensitive Ecological Design and Planning, Harvard University, 26-28 February.

due 2000 Book Chapter. "Building Ecological Understandings In Studio: A Repertoire for a Well-Crafted Learning Experience," Kathy Poole, primary author, with Susan Galatowitsch, Robert Grese, Douglas Johnston, J. Timothy Keller, Lee R. Skabelund, Carl Steinitz, Joan Woodward, David Richey. A chapter in the forthcoming publication by Island Press. The chapter is an outgrowth of the Shire Conference, Teaching Ecology in Design and Planning Programs, 16-19 July, Columbia River Gorge, Washington.

Publication and Commentaries on Work (selected)
2000 "Wet Lands: Civic Stormwater + Contingent Spaces, Carr's Hill University of Virginia," Design Proposal, Landscape Forum: Unbuilt Work.

1999 Paul Bennett, "Making Water Visible," Landscape Architecture Magazine, April 1999, pp. 70-75, 96-99. Discussion of Wet Lands mapping and Carr’s Hill Design proposal.

1999 Six individual authors in Eco-Revelatory Design: Nature Constructed / Nature Revealed, Special Issue 1998 Landscape Journal. Discussion of "Wet Lands: Civic Stormwater and Contingent Spaces, Carr's Hill University of Virginia."

1998 Mary Cail, "The Future of the Piedmont and the World: William McDonough and The Institute of Sustainable Design," Albemarle Magazine, April-May.

1997 John Beardsley, "Strategies of Change?," Landscape Architecture Magazine, July .

Invited Exhibitions of Work (selected)
Invited Exhibitions
1998-2000 "Wet Lands: Civic Stormwater + Contingent Spaces, Carr's Hill University of Virginia, Design
Proposal, Eco-Revelatory Design: Nature Constructed / Nature Revealed, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Chicago Botanic Museum, Boston Architectural Center, Iowa State University, National Building Museum.

1999 Civic Hydrology: Water as Civic Infrastructure. Exhibit accompanying Sustainable Futures for the Piedmont, a symposium sponsored by the Institute for Sustainable Design, University of Virginia, September.

2000-01 The Life of Water at the University of Virginia: Exploring Mapping Towards More Ecologically Positive and Synthetic Designs. Venues to date: School of Architecture, Cornell University; University of Virginia; School of Architecture, California Polytechnical University, Pomona,CA.

1999 "Hot Springs: Potentials for the Next Millennium," Hot Springs National Park, Hot Springs,
Arkansas. Lecture accompanying exhibition of Design Proposal for Hot Springs, Arkansas with Theodore M. Jones III, 30 April - 9 May.

Invited Public Speaking (selected)
2001 "The Life of Water," California Polytechnical University, Pomona.

2000 "Evolutionary Infrastructure: Parks As Essential Infrastructures," Boston Committee of the Garden Club of America, Boston.

2000 "Holding History," School of Architecture, Cornell University.

2000 "Synthetic Expressions: Resituating Ecology Within Urban Systems," Water Sensitive Ecological Design and Planning," Harvard University.

2000 "Ecological Dynamics in Landscape Architectural Research," One Hundred Years of Landscape Architecture at Harvard, Harvard University.

1999 Creative Infrastructure and the Making of Cities," Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.

1999 "Hot Springs: Using Water to Invigorate the National Park, the Creek, and the City," Arkansas Festival for the Arts, Hot Springs.

1999 "Evolutionary Infrastructure: Boston's Back Bay Fens As a Case Study of Infrastructure's Potential Roles and Expressions, 1775 – present," American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Expo, September 1999, Boston.

1997 "Civic Ecology: Ecological Infrastructure in the Sustainable City," Opportunities in Sustainable Development: Strategies for the Chesapeake Basin, College Park, MD.

1997 "The Aesthetics of Infrastructure: An Ecological Stormwater Design for the University of Virginia," (with Prof. Shaw Yu, Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Virginia), Aesthetics in the Constructed Environment, 24th Annual Conference of the Water Resources Planning + Management Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Houston.

1997 "Creative Infrastructure: Dynamic Intersections of Urban Ecology and the Civic Realm," Landscape Urbanism Symposium, Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago.

1996 "Civic Ecology and the Creative Site," 1996 International Conference of Society for Ecological Restoration, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

1996 "Civitas Oecologie: Civic Ecology and the Creative Site," School of Environmental Design, University of Pennsylvania.

Copyright ©Kathy Poole all rights reserved