Development Making a Framework
4 Detail Design
(one small element or serial element) as a way of refining a conceptual
You have developed
a schematic design. Before continuing to develop the entire design, you
will now focus on one component of that design. You are suspending the development
of the landscape design so that you can understand it simultaneously at
the scale of the person. This component may be one, primary and important
element or it may be an element that repeats itself within the design. You
should choose an element that will inform the composition and structure
of the larger design. You should choose an element that will help you develop
the aesthetic of the larger design. You should choose an element that is
of a scale that you can "feel" it, that is, it is related to the human bodyóand
a personís visceral experience of your landscape. You should consider how
the detail might be informed by your intentions for the larger landscape
design. You should also consider how the aesthetic experience of the detail
might hold potentials for citizensí understandings of the city and the cityís
development of its infrastructure.