Project Development • Making a Framework
2 Aesthetic Immersion as a way of testing a mapping and testing a program • Photography Exercise

Your assignment while in Boston is to seek out and document with photographs those objects, landscapes, and/or infrastructures within the city that will help you develop your initial programmatic proposal for the Fens. Your proposal may be little more than a hunch. You may be absolutely sure about your proposed program. Whichever the case the exercise will help you gather precedents, information, and context in relation to the project. You are developing an argument and substantiating your proposal. (And you may actually debunk your own proposal, but this is also a useful exercise). And your photography may cross into the territory of design. Just as mapping is creating a new world and creating, in essence, designing, so is the act of photographing. If the photography isnít design, it should lead to design.

Overview Tour Immersion Projects

Leigh Fitts
Adriane Fowler
Dana Hogstedt
Ah-Yeon Kim
Tracey Miller
Gigi Staltonstall
Jerald Sparkman
Ann O'Hara Wilkiemeyer
Rui-Ling Zhang
Copyright ©Kathy Poole all rights reserved