Horizon : Passe
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Pour prévenir une possible catastrophe, Hive-Maker espérait acheter une colonie d'abeilles expérimentales de Mésopotamie.

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Abeilles : Peigne Abeilles : Abeille Isolée Horizon : Passe

Mesopotamia, perhaps the Ur-Deseret ( terre  of the Honeybee, place from which the Jaredites fled in great Mormon stories). The  carte  here is written in English, yet another  langage  circulating in this part of the  monde  before the First World War. Soon after came the sad campaigns against the Turks; dying Irish and Sihks accidentally abandoned in the burning  désert  by the fleeing troops. Mesopotamia,  terre  of clay  écriture , false roadside entrances to various Gardens (none of them in their original places).
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