Brume : La Nuit
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Grâce a Hive-Maker, Ella Spiralum fut engage comme médium.

avant après
Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite Brume : La Nuit Brume : Fantômes

A frame on the  mur , in the  sombre . Don't turn off the power... it's an aquarium view, and whatever is inside there needs bubbles from an  électrique  blower, and certainly can't call for help if the lights go out and the oxygen stops. Another theory... the only  lumière  here comes from the expulsion (or is that  explosion ) of these oxygen bubbles, exhaled by some creature hidden in the  sombre , attempting to speak to us from underwater. Maybe the bubbles are leaking to us from another  monde , equally  sombre  but under greater pressure. Perhaps a change of conditions has allowed the  mort  dissolved in the ether to precipitate out as bubbles.
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