Brume : Fantômes
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Grâce a Hive-Maker, Ella Spiralum fut engage comme médium.

avant après
Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite Oiseaux : Pigeons en Terre Cuite Brume : La Nuit Brume : Fantômes

A cotton-garbed ectoplasm who has been mourned though the use of photography, but has minimal personality beyond its recallable  visage . To obtain such a ghost-picture, the mourner would visit the photo-medium. The medium would request to see a picture of the recently dead, in order to focus the concentration and energy to make a new exposure of this dead person on vacation in the other world. During this moment of concentration, the photo-medium would secretly rephotograph the picture of the formerly alive and still loved dead person. Then, for an extra charge, the photo medium would take a studio portrait of the mourner. The mourner would then depart, to return in a week to pay for a picture of the ghost, garbed in cotton ectoplasm, and also a two shot of the cotton ghost compositely posed with the still alive, recently recorded mourner.
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