Immeubles : Abris de Caméra
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Les bunkers d'observations du fameux test étaient toujours debout.

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Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Instruments Musicaux : Soleil Télescopique Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Montagne : Rocailleux

Ruins of a  caméra  bunker, built by someone who wanted to echo the shapes of the local ridges. Designed by one of the New York architects attached to the Manhattan Project.  Jacob , an excellent tourist, walks through, taking mental notes. When he gets his own villa on the Bee-Planet (as he's been promised, if he just tells them a few human secrets), he wants to make sure he has one of these Bunkers in his backyard there. For the kids to play in, for him to sit in once in a while, drink in  main  (or equivalent beverage in whatever hand-equivalent his new  corps  has), thinking about all the sunlit days of his  désert   marcher .
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