Immeubles : Abris de Caméra
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Les bunkers d'observations du fameux test étaient toujours debout.

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Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Instruments Musicaux : Soleil Télescopique Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Immeubles : Abris de Caméra Montagne : Rocailleux

The half-buried bunker, disguised as a dune. And to complete the deception, the bunker also moves around a bit... heading now northeast at about 3 inches per  jour . Though this is opposite to the dominant  vent  direction, and it won't be long before someone in the  loin  towns notices that this thing is sneaking out the  désert , towards downtown. In fact, there seems to be a whole bunch of them (looking ahead to that time, I can see how the bunker parthenogenically reproduced, splitting along its seams to make many many  identique  copies... which someday, when the group makes it to the  ville  edge, will be stapled to the local  béton , and then offered out as homes to anyone who needs one).
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