Écrits : Univers Perdus
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Dans ma jeunesse, j'avais étudié le Volapük, le rival de l'Esperanto, le langue artificiel de la paix internationale; et reconstitué le langage de Caïn, parlé dans la Tour de Babel.

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The title  page  of the standard work on Volapuk, a  langage  discovered by a German monk within a ball of  lumière  that appeared inside his  cellule  halfway to the end of the last century. Contrast this with its rival Esperanto, that rational  langage  designed by a south Russian Jew before the pogroms, a true fruit of secular Judaism, and perhaps, for a time, counter-trend to Zionism (not all preRevolution Russian Jews wanted an Israel... many just wanted a  monde  which would let them live in peace). The two languages were rivals, with button wars erupting at the end of the century (supporters of each were know for wearing label buttons supporting their own cause).
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