Development Expanding an Infrastructural Proposal 5 Expand the Proposal to Change the City 27 November - 16 December Your design must be effective not only on the experiential level of a person or the scale of a park. It must also be effective at the scale of the city. Your redesign of the Fens should change Boston. The design may add something to the city that it currently does not have--or significantly enhance something existing. This addition may be something physical. It may be a new use. It may be a new service. The design may also change the city conceptually, that is, it may change the way the city perceives itself and its place in the world. Or the design may bring existing institutions or places into relationship where previously unrelated or related them in new ways that are richer and more meaningful. Whatever tactic you choose, you should consider your design an urban proposal that extends well beyond the bounds of the Fens' property lines. |
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