William Stansby in the STC
Below is a hand-list of works attributed to William Stansby,
from his freedom in 1597 and accession to the mastership of the
shop at Cross Keys in 1611 through 1620. Each volume is
identified by its STC number as listed in A Short-Title
Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland, and
of English Books Printed Abroad, 1475-1640, 2nd Edition.
- Volumes printed during the period from 1615-1617 have links
to expanded listings, including quasi-facsimile title-page
transcriptions, statements of format and signing, and paper and
type ornaments used in the book.
- Volumes with related entries in the Stationers Register or
other contemporary documents have links to those entries.
- Volumes whose title-pages list the names of other Stationers
involved in their production have links to a master list of
Stationers who worked with Stansby.
- Volumes with additional explanatory notes in the STC have
links to those notes, located at the bottom of this page.
- Brackets around STC number indicates issue or variant; otherwise
assume each title is a separate edition.
- Brackets around text in the imprint indicates information not
present in the item itself.
- Parentheses surrounding text indicates information not found
on the title-page but present elsewhere in the item.
- 53
- 1610. Abbot, Robert. The old waye. A sermon preached at
Oxford. 4o. [W. Stansby] for E. Edgar and A. Garbrand. Ent. to
Garbrand 11 October 1610.
- 54
- 1611. Abbot, Robert. The true ancient Roman catholike. The
first part. 4o in 8's. W. Stansby for A. Garbrand. Assigned by
Garbrand to T. Adams 9 October 1616.
- 312.5
- 1614 [t-p reads 1615]. Alessio, Piemontese. A verye excellent
and profitable booke conteining...the fourth and finall booke of
secrets. Translated out of Italian by R. Androse. 4o
in 8's. W. Stansby for R. Meighen and T. Jones. Ent. to E. Weaver 6
May 1605, with consent of T. Wright; to J. Flasket 2 March
- 345
- 1616. Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling. The monarchick
tragedies. The third edition. 8o. W.
- 635
- 1619. Angelos, Christopher. (An encomium of Great Britaine,
and Cambridge and Oxford. Gr. and Eng. 4o
Cambridge, C. Legge [i.e. London, W. Stansby].
- 636
- 1619. Angelos, Christopher. (Enchiridion de
institutis Graecorum). Gr. and Lat. 4o. ex
off. C. Legge, acad. Cantab. typog. [i.e., London, W.
- 641
- 1620 [?]. Angelos, Christopher. Christopher Angell, a Grecian
who tasted of many stripes inflicted by the Turkes. Oxford, J.
Lichfield and J. Short, 1618 [i.e. London, W. Stansby?].
- 736
- 1613. Aretius, Jacobus. Primula veris seu panegyrica; ad
excellentiss. principem Palatinum. 4o. typis G.
Stansby, imp. J. Budge.
- 745
- 1611. Ariosto, Ludovico. Ariostos seven planets governing
Italie, or his satyrs. Newly corrected and augmented, together
with a new addition of three elegies, by Ariosto. 4o.
W. Stansby for R. Jackson.
- 877
- 1610. The assize of bread. 4o. W. Stansby for
J. Budge. Assigned to
Stansby 11 September 1611.
- 878
- 1615. The asize of bread. 4o. W. Stansby, sold
by J. Budge.
- 932.5
- 1612. Augustine, St. The glasse of vaine-glorie: faithfully
translated (out of S. Augustine his booke, intituled, Speculum
peccatoris) by W. P[rid] doctor of the lawes. 16o in
8's. W. Stansby for E. Wright. Assigned to
Stansby 11 September 1611.
- 960
- 1613. Aurelius, Abraham. In nuptias illustrissimi principis
Frederici V. comitis Palatini ad Rhenum, et Elizabethae, regis
filiae, epithalamium. 4o. ap. G. Stansby.
- 1355
- 1615. A merrie dialogue, betweene Band, Cuffe, and Ruffe.
4o. W. Stansby for M. Partrich. Ent. 10
February 1615.
- 1356
- 1615. Exchange ware at the second hand, viz. Band, Ruffe, and
Cuffe, lately out. The second edition. 4o.
W. Stansby for M. Partrich.
- 1438
- 1618. Barlow, John. Hierons last fare-well. A sermon. (A
christians last day, is his best day. A sermon.) 4o.
W. Stansby for W. Butler.
- 1657.5
- 1616. Beard, Thomas. A retractive from the romish religion.
4o in 8's. W. Stansby. Ent. 22 April 1616.
- [1658]
- 1616. Beard, Thomas. A retractive from the romish religion.
4o in 8's. W. Stansby, sold by H. Fetherstone.
- 1845
- 1611. Bellarmino, Roberto. The tocsin, or watch-bell. Against
the booke of the popes temporall power, by cardinall Bellarmine.
Done into English by I.R. 4o. [W. Stansby] for E.
White the younger. Ent.
to Stansby 1 April 1611.
- 3143
- 1617. Blundeville, Thomas. The art of logike. Plainely taught
in the English tongue. 4o. W. Stansby, sold by M.
Lownes. Assigned to
Stansby 11 September 1611.
- 3144
- 1619. Blundeville, Thomas. The art of logike. Plainely taught
in the English tongue. 4o. W. Stansby, sold by M.
- 3149
- 1613. Blundeville, Thomas. M. Blundeuile his Exercises,
containing sixe treatises. The fourth edition. 4o in
8's. W. Stansby. Assigned 11 September 1611.
- 3205
- 1620. Bohemia. Bohemica jura defensa. The Bohemian lawes or
rights defended, against the informer: or an answer to an
Information, secretly printed against the writings published by
the states of Bohemia. Translated out of Latin by J. H[arrison?]
(The insruments of the pactions or conditions concerning a
perpetuall succession in Hungary and Bohemia). 4o.
[W. Jones and W.
Stansby?] (note)
- 3210
- 1620. Bohemia. A most true relation of the late proceedings
in Bohemia, Germany, and Hungaria. Dated the 1. the 10. and the
13. of July, 1620. Translated out of high Dutch. 4o.
Dort. [i.e. London, W. Jones? or W. Stansby?].(note)
- 3214
- 1620. Bohemia. The true copies of sundrie letters concerning
the affaires of Bohemia, as they have been writen in high Dutch,
Latine, and French. Newly translated. 4o. [W.
Jones? or W. Stansby?].(note)
- 3215
- 1620. Bohemia. Two letters or embassies. The one sent by the
states of Bohemia, to the elector of Saxony: the other from the
popes holines (Paulus quintus) to the emperour. 4o.
Amsterdam [i.e. London? W. Jones? or W. Stansby?](note)
- 3435
- 1615. Bowle, John. A sermon preached at Flitton in the
countie of Bedford, at the funerall of Henrie earle of Kent. By
I.B.D.D. 4o. W. Stansby for R. Woodroffe. Ent. 4 July
- 3568
- 1611. Brathwait, Richard. The golden fleece. Whereto bee
annexed two elegies, Narcissus change, and AEsons dotage.
8o. W. S[tansby] for C. Pursett. Ent. 9 August
- 3612
- 1614. Brerewood, Edward. De ponderibus, et pretiis veterum
nummorum, liber unus. [Ed.] (R. Brerewood). 4o. [W.
Stansby] ap. J. Billium.
Ent. 22 January 1614.
- 3613
- 1614. Brerewood, Edward. Elementa logicae, in gratiam
studiosae juventutis in academia Oxoniensi. [Ed.] (Guil.
Bakeris). 12o. [W. Stansby] ap. J. Billium. Ent. 8 April
- 3614
- 1615. Brerewood, Edward. Elementa logicae, in gratiam
studiosae juventutis in academia Oxoniensi. [Ed.] (Guil.
Bakerus). 12o. [W. Stansby] ap. J. Billium.
- 3614.5
- 1615. Brerewood, Edward. Elementa logicae, in gratiam
studiosae juventutis in academia Oxoniensi. [Ed.] (Guil.
Bakeris). 12o. [W. Stansby] ap. J. Billium.
- 3615.5
- 1619. Brerewood, Edward. Elementa logicae, in gratiam
studiosae juventutis in academia Oxoniesi. [Ed.] (Guil. Bakeris).
12o. [W. Stansby] ap. J. Billium.
- 3689
- 1620. Breton, Nicholas. A poste with a packet of madde
letters. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke and J. Marriot.
- 3749
- 1613. Bright, Timothy. A treatise of melancholie. Containing
the causes thereof. Newly corrected and amended. 8o.
W. Stansby. Windet's part assigned 11 September 1611. (note)
- 3777
- 1611. Brinsley, John, the elder. The true watch, and the rule
of liee. The fifth edition, reviewed, and much inlarged.
8o. W. Stansby for S. Macham.
- 4099
- 1616. Bunny, Francis. An exposition of the 28. verse of the
third chapter of the epistle to the Romans. Wherein is proved the
doctrine of justification by faith. 4o. W. Stansby
for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 18
July 1616.
- 4164
- 1620. Burton, Samuel. A sermon preached at the generall
assises an Warwicke. 4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 10 October 1620.
- 4180.5
- 1615. Bury, John. The schole of godly feare. A sermon
preached at the assises in Exeter. 4o. W. Stansby
for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 12
September 1615.
- 4496
- 1615. Camden, William. Annales rerum Anglicarum, et
Hibernicarum, regnante Elizabetha, ad annum M.D.LXXXIX.
2o. typis G. Stansbij, imp. S. Waterstoni. Ent. 21
March 1615.
- 4545
- 1613. Campion, Thomas. A relation of the late royall
entertainment given by the lord Knowles. Whereunto is annexed the
description, speeches, and songs of the lords maske.
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Budge.
- 4566
- 1613. Caninius, Angelus. Angeli Caninii Anglarensis
þþþþþþåæþþ, copiosissimi Graecarum Latinarumque vocum indicis
accessione per C. Hauboesium locupletatus. 8o. [W.
Stansby] ex off. Nortoniana, ap. J. Billium.
- 4637
- 1610. Carleton, George. Jurisdiction regall, episcopall,
papal. Wherein is declared how the pope hath intruded upon the
jurisdiction of temporall princes, and of the church.
4o. [W. Stansby] imp. J. Norton. Ent. to Norton
and J. Bill 24 January 1610.
- 4705
- 1611. Cartwright, John. The preachers travels. Wherein is set
downe a true journall to the East Indies. With the authors return
by the way of persia. Also a true relation of sir A. Sherleys
entertainment there. 4o. [W. Stansby] for T. Thorppe, sold by W. Burre. Ent. to Burre 26
August 1611.
- 4792
- 1615. Catascopos. A surveigh and critique censure of the
christian world. 8o. from the presse of W. Stansby,
sold by J. Smethwicke.
- 4915
- 1612. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. The history of the
valorous and wittie knight-errant, Don-Quixote. [Pt. 1.]
4o in 8's. W. Stansby for E. Blount and W. Barret. Ent. 19 January
- 4916
- 1620 [?]. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. The history of Don-
Quichote. The first parte. 4o in 8's. [W. Stansby]
for E. Blounte.
- 4923
- 1612. Ch., R. [Church, Rooke]. An olde thrift newly revived.
Wherein is declared the manner of planting, preserving, and
husbanding yong trees. Also the use of a small instrument for
measuring of board. Discoursed in dialogue betweene a surveyour,
[etc.] 4o. W. S[tansby] for R. Moore. Ent. 19 May
- 4930
- 1614. Chadwich, John. A sermon preached at Snarford at the
funerals of sir George Sanct-Paule. Together with a briefe
relation of his life and death. 4o. W. Stansby for
W. Barret.
- [4930.5]
- 1614. Chadwich, John. A sermon preached at Snarford at the
funerals of sir George Sanct-Paule. Together with a briefe
relation of his life and death. (Carmina funebria in obitum G. de
SanctoPaulo. Londini, 1614.) 4o. W. Stansby
for W. Barret.
- 4980
- 1611. Chapman, George. May-day. A witty comedie, divers times
acted. 4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Browne.
- 4994
- 1612: Chapman, George. The widdowes teares a comedie.
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Browne. Ent. 17 April
- 5045
- 1615. Charles Emmanel I, Duke of Savoy. A relation of the now
present warres, betweene Charles Emanuel, D. of Savoy, and the
cardinal of Mantua. The emporers decree, and the duke of savoy
his letter to the emperor. Translated out of Latin copie.
4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 19 July
- 5107
- 1613. Cheeke, William. Anagrammata, et chron-anagrammata
regia, nunc primum in hƒc formƒ in lucem emissa. 8o.
Gul. Stansby.
- 5118
- 1610. Chesters triumph in honor of her prince. As it was
performed upon S. Georges day 1610. [Verses by] (Ri. Davies).
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. B[rowne 1]. Ent. to J.
Browne 12 June 1610.
- 5583
- 1620. Colson, William. The first part of the French grammar.
Contayning the pronounciation and orthographie of the French
tongue according to the new manner of writing, by a reformed
alphabet. 8o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Parker. (note)
- 5585
- 1617. Colt, Nicholas. The seale of the churches safetie; or a
sermon preached at Norwich. 8o. W.
- 5614
- 1617. Comyns, John. The thankefull Samaritane. In a sermon at
S. Peters in Exeter, the sixth of August, 1617. 4o.
W. Stansby.
- 5742
- 1612. Copley, John. Doctrinall and morall observations
concerning religion: wherein the author declareth the reasons of
his late un-enforced departure from the church of Rome.
4o. W. S[tansby] for R. Moore. Ent. 19 May
- 5768
- 1610. Corkine, William. Ayres, to sing and play to the lute
and basse violl. With pavins, galliards,...for the lyra violl.
2o. W. Stansby for J. Browne.
- 5805
- 1615. Cortes, Martin. The arte of nauigation, conteyning a
compendius description of the sphere, [etc.] 4o in
8's. W. Stansby for J. Tapp.
- 5807
- 1611. Coryate, Thomas. Coryats crambe, or his colwort twise
sodden, and now served as the second course to his Crudities.
4o. W. Stansby. Ent. 7 June 1611.
- 5808
- 1611. Coryat, Thomas. Coryats crudities. Hastily gobled up in
five moneths travels in France, savoy, [etc.] 4o in
8's. W. S[tansby for author]. Ent. to E. Blount and W. Barret 26 November 1610.(note)
- 5919
- 1613. Cowper, William. Good newes from Canaan. Full of
heavenly comfort. 8o. W. Stansby for J. Budge. Ent. 19 May
- 5934
- 1613. Cowper, William. Seven dayes conference, betweene a
catholicke christian, and a catholicke Romane. Concerning some
controversies of religion. 8o. W. S[tansby] for J.
- 6069
- 1615. Crooke, Samuel. Three sermons, viz. The waking sleeper,
the ministeriall husbandrie, the discoverie of the heart.
8o. W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 21 February
- 6375
- 1611. Davison, Francis, A poetical rhapsody containing,
diverse sonnets, odes, [etc.] Newly corrected and augmented.
12o. W. Stansby for R. Jackson.
- 6480.5
- 1620 [ca.]. The belman of London: bringing to light the most
notorious villanies now practiced in the kingdome. 4o.
[William Stansby] for N. Butter, 1608.
- 6488
- 1616. Dekker, Thomas. Villanies discovered by lanthorne and
candle-light. With canting songs never before printed.
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Busby.
- 6585
- 1611. Denison, John. The christian petitioner. Shewing how we
must sue for reward and remission. A sermon preached at Oxford.
4o. W. Stansby. Ent. 3 September 1611.
- 6591
- 1611. Denison, John. The sinne against the holy ghost plainly
described. In a sermon preached at Paules crosse. 4o.
W. Stansby, sold by J. Budge. Ent. to Budge 20
September 1611.
- 6777.4
- 1609. Desiderius. The soules desire, and the hope of heaven.
8o W. S[tansby] for J. Wright.
- 6845
- 1615. Digges, Sir Dudley. The defence of trade. In a letter
to sir Thomas Smith knight, governour of the East-India companie,
&c. From one of that societie. 4o. W. Stansby for
John Barnes. Ent. 21
March 1615.(note)
- 6906
- 1611. A discourse against flatterie.... 12o. W.
Stansby for W. Burre.
Ent. 7 June 1611.
- 6945.2
- 1610. Dod, John. Ten sermons tending chiefely to the fitting
of men for the Lords supper. Newly printed and enlarged.
4o in 8's. [W. Stansby and G. Eld] for R. Jackson.(note)
- [6945.4]
- 1611. Dod, John. Ten sermons tending chiefely to the fitting
of men for the Lords supper. Newly printed and enlarged.
4o in 8's. [W. Stansby] for R. Jackson.
- 6965
- 1610. Dod, John, and Cleaver, Robert. A plaine and familiar
exposition: of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth chapters
of Proverbs. 4o. [W. Stansby and T. Creede] for R. Jackson. Ent. 1 June
1610. (note)
- [6966]
- 1611. Dod, John. A plaine and familiar exposition: of the
eighteenth, nineeenth, and twentieth chapters of proverbs.
4o. [W. Stansby and T. Creede] for R. Jackson.
- 7022
- 1611. Donne, John. An anatomy of the world. Wherein, by
occasion of the untimely death of mistris Elizabeth Drury the
frailty and the decay of this whole world is represented.
8o. [W. Stansby] for S. Macham.
- 7048
- 1610. Donne, John. Pseudo-martyr. Wherein out of certaine
propositions this conclusion is evicted. That those of the Romane
religion ought to take the oath of allegeance. 4o.
W. Stansby for W. Burre. Ent. 2 December
- 7080
- 1613. Dove, John. The conversion of Salomon. A direction to
holinesse of life; by way of commentarie upon the booke of
Canticles. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwick. Ent. 4 May
- 7148
- 1620 [?]. Downame, John. The summe of sacred divintie briefly
propounded: more largely explained. 4o in 8's. W.
Stansby for W. Barret.
- 7178
- 1613 [?]. Draxe, Thomas. Calliepeia; or a rich store-house of
proper, choise, and elegant Latine words and phrases, collected
for the most part out of Tullies works. The second impression
reformed, refined, and very much enlarged. 8o. [W.
Stansby] for B. Norton and
J. Bill. Ent. to Bill 23
March 1613.
- 7220
- 1610. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton esquire.
8o. [W. Stansby] for J. Smethwicke.
- 7221
- 1613. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton esquire.
8o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- 7221.5
- 1616 [?]. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton
esquire. 8o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- 7222
- 1619. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton esquire.
2o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- [7222.3]
- 1619. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton, esquire.
2o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- [7222.5]
- 1619. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton, esquire.
2o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- [7223]
- 1619. Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michaell Draiton, esquire.
2o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke, 1620.
- 7244
- 1616. Jacke Drums entertainment: or the comedie of Pasquill
and Katherine. Newly corrected. 4o. W. Stansby for
P. Knight. Assigned 6
November 1615.
- [7245]
- 1618. Jacke Drums entertainment: or the comedie of Pasquill
and Katherine. Newly corrected. 4o. [W. Stansby]
for N. Fosbrooke.
- 7322
- 1610. Du Moulin, Pierre. A defence of the catholicke
faith...Against the answere of N. Coeffeteau. Written in French.
Translated according to first coppie, by himslefe reviewed and
corrected. 4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter and M. Clerke. Ent. to M. Clarke
7 June 1610.
- 7333
- 1610. Du Moulin, Pierre. Oppositions of the word of God,
together with the doctrine of the Romane church. 4o.
W. Stansby for R. Moore. Ent. 8 May
- 7396
- 1617. Dyke, Daniel, the elder. Certaine comfortable sermons
upon the 124. psalme: our deliverance from the late gunpowder-
treason. 4o. partly in 8's. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone.
- 7410
- 1618. Dyke, Daniel. Two treatises. The one, a most fruitfull
exposition upon Philomen: the other, the schoole of affliction.
Published by J. D[yke]. 4o in 8's. G. P[urslowe and W. Stansby]
for R. Mylbourne.
Ent. 29 October 1617 and 9 July 1618. (note)
- 7472
- 1616. Eburne, Richard. The royal lawe: or, the rule or
equitie prescribed by our saviour. 4o. [W. Stansby]
for T. Adams. Ent. 22
February 1616.
- 7610
- 1618. Elton, Edward. The complaint of a sanctified sinner
answered: or an explanation of [Rom. vii] in divers sermons.
4o in 8's. W. Stansby for R. Mylbourne. Ent. 19 Mar
- 8470.5
- 1611. By the King. To all noblemen, gentlemen, [etc.]
2o. [W. Stansby].
- 8470.7
- 1611. By the King. To all noblemen, gentlemen, [etc.]
2o. [W. Stansby].
- 8581
- 1618. England, Proclamations, 2. Chronological Series, James
I. By the right honorable the lords, commissioners for the office
of earle marshall of England. 2o. [W.
- 9175q
- 1620 [ca.]. England, Public Documents, Miscellaneous,
Recognizances for Alehouse Keepers, Kent. Know all men by these
presents, That wee Thomas Walsingham,....Iusices of the
Peace...within Kent, aue admitted [ ] [etc.] 2o.
[W. Stansby]
- 9226
- 1611. England, Public Documents, Miscellaneous, 2.
Chronological Series. A true transcript and publication of his
majesties letters pattent. For an office called the publicke
register for generall commerce. Whereunto is annexed an
explanation of the said office, by sir A. Gorges. 4o.
[W. Stansby] for J. Budge. Ent. 16 April
- 9227
- 1612. England--Public Documents, Miscellaneous, 2.
Chronlogical Series. A true transcript and publication of his
majesties leters pattent. The second edition enlarged.
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Budge.
- [9228]
- 1612. England--Public Documents, Miscellaneous, 2.
Chronological Series. A true transcript and publication of his
majesties leters pattent. The second edition enlarged, and
published by authoritie. 4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Budge.
- 9237
- 1615. England, Public Documents, Miscellaneous, 2
Chronological Series. Remonstrances made by the kings majesties
ambassadour, unto the french king. Concerning the marriages with
Spaine; [etc.] With the french kings letter to the prince of
Conde, dated 26. July 1615. and the prince his answere.
4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 3 August
- 10176.5
- 1617. Church of England, Visitation Articles, Local, Chester,
Thomas Morton. 4o. [W. Stansby].
- 10190.5
- 1613. Church of England, Visitation Articles, Local,
Cornwall, Archdeaconry. 4o. W. Stansby.
- 10204.7
- 1619. Church of England, Visitation Articles, Local, Exeter,
John Woolton. 4o. W. Stansby.
- 10207.3
- 1612. Church of England, Visitation Articles, Local, Exeter,
Archdeaconry. 4o. W. Stansby.
- 10221
- 1611. Church of England, Visitation Articles, Local,
Leicester, Archdeaconry. 4o. [W. Stansby] for E. E[dgar] and A. G[arbrand].
- 10222
- 1613. Church of England, Visitation Articles, Local,
Leicester. Certaine advertisements and articles. 4o.
[W. Stansby] for A. Garbrand.
- 10258
- 1612. London, Injunctions, [John King]. 4o. [W.
Stansby] for A. Garbrand.
- 10561
- 1609. Eudes, Morton. Catholique traditions. Or a treatise of
the beliefe of the christians of Asia, Europa, and Africa, with
the principall controversies of our time. Written in french by
Th. A.I.C. Translated by by L. O[wen]. 4o. W.
Stansby for H. Fetherstone. Ent. as
translated by L. Owen to J. Morrant 2 May; assigned to
Fetherstone 7 August 1609.
- [10562]
- 1610. Eudes, Morton. Catholique traditions. Or a treatise of
the beliefe of the christians of Asia, Europa, and Africa, with
the principall controversies of our time. Written in french by
Th. A.I.C. Translated by Lewis Owen. 4o. W. Stansby
for H. Fetherstone.
- 10639
- 1616. F, I/J. The couenant betweene God and man, plainly
declared. Divided into foure parts. 8o. W. Stansby
for R. Meighen. Ent. 3
June 1616. (note)
- [10639.3]
- 1616. F, I/J. The couenant betweene God and man, plainly
declared. Divided into foure parts. 8o. W. Stansby
for R. Meighen and T. Jones.
- 10810
- 1620. Ferdinand II, Emperor. An answere to the question:
whether the emperour that now is, can bee judge in the Bohemian
controversie or no? With the extract taken out of the acts of the
dyet at Auspurghe, 1584: concerning Bohemia. 4o.
[W. Jones? or W. Stansby?]. (note)
- 10814
- 1620 [?]. Ferdinand II, Emperor. A plaine demonstration of
the unlawful succession of Ferdinand the second, because of the
incestuous marriage of his parents. Translated out of Latine
printed copie. 4o. at the Hague [i.e. London, W.
Stansby for N. Butter].
- 10940
- 1620. Fitz-Geffrey, Charles. Deaths sermon unto the living.
Delivered at the funerals of the ladie Philippe, late wife unto
Sr. A. Rous. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Parker.
- [10940.3]
- 1620. Fitz-Geffrey, Charles. Deaths sermon unto the living.
Delivered at the funerals of the ladie Philippe, late wife unto
Sr. A. Rous. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Mungwell, [Exeter].
- 11099
- 1611. Florio, John. Queen Anna's new world of words, or
dictionarie newly much augmented. Whereunto are added rules for
the Italian tongue. 2o. M. Bradwood (and W. Stansby)
for E. Blount and W. Barret.
- 11103
- 1619. Florus, Lucius Annaeus. The Romans histories of Lucius
Julius Florus. 12o. W. Stansby. Ent. as trans.
by E. M. Bolton 19 October 1619.
- 11123
- 1610. Folkingham, William. Feudigraphia. The synopsis or
epitome of surveying methodized. Anatomizing the materiall,
mathematicall, mechanicall and legal parts. [Also] for all under-
takers in the plantation of Ireland or Virginia [etc.]
4o. [W. Stansby] for R. Moore. Ent. 8 May
- 11162
- 1620. Ford, John. A line of life. Pointing at the
immortalitie of a vertuous name. 12o. W. S[tansby]
for N. B[utter]. Ent.
10 October 1620.
- 11207
- 1612. Fougasses, Thomas de. The generall historie of the
magnificent state of Venice. Englished by W. Shute.
2o. G. Eld and
W. Stansby. Ent. 4 May and 12 August 1611. (note)
- 11254
- 1616. Fradelius, Petrus. Prosphonesis ad serenissimum...regem
Jacobum I. 2o. Londini, [W. Stansby].
- 11258
- 1617. The association of the princes of France, with the
declarations of their allegeance to the king. Also a discourse by
M. du Vaiz (A remonstrance of the princes). 4o. [W.
Stansby] for W. Barret.
Ent. 29 March 1617.
- 11308
- 1613. Franchis, Giovanni Maria de. De auspicatissimis
nuptiis. Illustrissimi principis D. Friderici, electoris. Cum D.
Elizabetha. Po‰ma. 4o. [W. Stansby].
- 11349
- 1620. Frederick I, King of Bohemia. Articles of the league,
made betweene Fredericke, king of Bohemia. And Gabriel, prince of
Hungaria. 4o. [W. Jones? or W. Stansby?] (note)
- 11350
- 1620. Frederick I, King of Bohemia. The declaration and
information against the unjust mandates of the emperour.
4o. [W. Jones? or W. Stansby?] (note)
- 11351
- 1620. Frederick I, King of Bohemia. A declaration of the
causes, for the which, wee Frederick, have accepted of the crowne
of Bohemia. 4o. Middleburg, A Schilders [W. Jones?
or W. Stansby?] (note)
- 11351.3
- 1620. Frederick I, King of Bohemia. A declaration of the
causes, for the which, wee Frederick, have accepted of the crowne
of Bohemia. 4o. Middleburg, A. Schilders [i.e.
London, W. Jones? or W. Stansby?] (note)
- 11356
- 1620. Frederick I, King of Bohemia. The late good successe
and victory, of the king of Bohemia's forces, against Bucquoy,
and Dampiere. With many other things. [Also] the articles of
agreement, betweene the king and Bethlem Gaber. 4o.
Middleburg, A. Schilders [i.e. London, W. Jones? or W.
Stansby?] (note)
- 11366.5
- 1609. Freeman, John. The apologie for the conformable
minsters of England, for their subscription to the present church
governement. 4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 9 August
- 11599
- 1615. Garey, Samuel. A newe yeares gift for the suole, or a
meditation of Christs incarnation. Preached at Norwich.
4o. W. Ssansby for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 9
May 1615.
- 11700
- 1620. Gee, Edward. Two sermons. One, the curse and crime of
Meroz. The other, of patience. By E. Gee. Published since his
death, by J. Gee and G. Gee. 4o. W. S[tansby] for
N. Butter. Ent. 9 June
- 11795
- 1610. [Germany]. A publike declaration. Made by the united
protestant princes elector and other princes, of the holie
empire, shewing [why they] aide the electors of Brandenburgh and
palsgrave. Translated out of Duch cope, printed at Amsterdam.
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Budge. Ent. 25 June
- 11856
- 1612. Gifford, George. Fifteene sermons, vpon the Song of
Salomon. 8o. W. S[tansby] for G. Norton.
- 11941
- 1616. Godwin, Francis. De praesulibus Angliae
commentarius:...(De archiepiscopis Eboracensibus.) 4o
in 8's. [W. Stansby and Eliot's Court Press] ex off. Nortoniana, ap. J. Billium. Ent. 22 March 1616.
- 12068
- 1614. Gordon, John. Neptunus Britannicus Corydonis. De
luctuoso serenissimi Henrici principis, obitu. 4o.
[W. Stansby] for J. Budge.
- 12229
- 1611. Greene, Robert. Ciceronis amor. Tullies loue. Wherein
is discoursed the prime of Ciceroes youth. 4o. W.
Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- 12230
- 1616. Greene, Robert. Ciceronis amor. Tullies loue. Wherein
is discoursed the prime of Ciceroes youth. 4o. W.
Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- 12255.5
- 1611. Greene, Robert. Greenes neuer too late. Or, a powder of
experience. (Francescos fortunes: or the second part.)
4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Smethwicke. Assigned
from Ling 19 November 1607.
- 12256
- 1616. Greene, Robert. Greenes neuer too late. Or, a powder of
experience. (Francescos fortunes: or the second part.)
4o. W. Stansby for J. Smithwicke.
- 12274
- 1610. Greene, Robert. Greenes arcadia. Or Menaphon: Camillaes
alarum [etc.] 4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Smethwicke. Assigned
from Ling 19 November 1607.
- 12275
- 1616. Greene, Robert. Greens Arcadia. Or Menaphon: Camillaes
alarum. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- 12288.5
- 1609. Greene, Robert. Pandosto. The triumph of time.
4o. W. Stansby for G. Potter.
- 12358
- 1615. Grenfield, Nathaniel. The great day, or, a sermon [of]
the day of judgement. 8o. W. Stansby for Josias Harrison. Ent. 26 August
- 12518
- 1620. Gunter, Edmund. A canon of triangles: or a table of
artificiall sines, and secants, drawne from the logarithmes of
the lord of Merchistone. 8o. W. Stansby, sold by J.
- 12526
- 1615. Gunter, Peter. A sermon preached in the countie of
Suffolke, for the confutation of certaine hereticall positions,
maintayned, touching justification, by a preacher of Wickam
Market. 4o. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 26
February 1615.
- 12567
- 1610. H, I/J. [J. Hetherington]. A description of the church
of Christ. With some oppositions against certaine anabaptisticall
opinions. Maintained by John Smith. 4o. [W.
Stansby] for N. Fosbrooke.
- 12618
- 1612. Hakewill, George. Scutum regium. id est, adversus omnes
regicidas et regicidarum patronos, ad initio mundi usque as annum
610. consensus orthodoxus. 8o. W. Stansby pro J. Budge. Ent. 19 September
- 12649
- 1610. Hall, Joseph. A common apologie of the church of
England: against the unjust challenges of the Brownists.
Occasioned, by a late pamphlet...an Answer to a censorious
epistle. 4o. [W. Stansby] for S. Macham. Ent. to Macham and
E. Edgar 16 January 1610.
- [12649a]
- 1610. Hall, Joseph. A common apologie of the church of
England: against the unjust challenges of the Brownists.
Occasioned, by a late pamphlet...an Answer to a censorious
epistle. 4o. [W. Stansby] for E. Edgar.
- 12663.4
- 1611. Hall, Joseph. Epistles. The third and last volume.
Containing two decades. 2 parts. 8o. [Part 1: W.
Stansby] for E. Edgar and A.
Garbrand. [Part 2:
W. Jaggard]. Ent. to Edgar and S. Macham 4 October 1610.
- [12663.6]
- 1611. Hall, Joseph. Epistles. The third and last volume.
Containing two decades. 2 parts. 8o. [Part 1: W.
Stansby] for S. Macham.
[Part 2: W. Jaggard].
- 12674
- 1620. Hall, Joseph. The honor of the married clergie,
maintayned againt the malicious challenges of C. E. masse-priest.
In three books. 8o. W. S[tansby] for H. Fether[stone]. Ent.
to Feherstone and N. Butter 8 November 1619.
- [12674a]
- 1620. Hall, Joseph. The honor of the married clergie,
maintayned againt the malicious challenges of C. E. masse-priest.
In three books. 8o. W. S[tansby] for N. Butter.
- 12694
- 1609. Hall, Joseph. The passion-sermon, preached at Pauls-
Crosse, on Good-friday. 8o. W. S[tansby] for E. Edgar.
- 12694a
- 1609. Hall, Joseph. The passion-sermon, preached at Pauls-
Crosse, on Good-friday. 8o. W. S[tansby] for S. Macham.
- 12707
- 1617. Hall, Joseph. A recollection of such treatise as have
bene heretofore severally published, and are nowe revised,
corrected, augmented. With addition of some others not hereto
extant. 2o. (E. Griffin, W. Stansby) for H.
Fetherstone, [N. Butter and W. Butler]. (note)
- 13005a.5
- 1610. Hayward, Sir John. The sanctuarie of a troubled soule.
The first (second) part. Nelwy corrected and enlarged. The eight
impression. 12o. [W. Stansby] for E. Edgar and A. Garbrand. Burby's rights
assigned from W. Welby to Garbrand 15 June 1610. (note)
- 13142
- 1611. Henry IV, King of France. Three precious teares of
blood, flowing from the wounded harts of three great French
ladies. In memory, of Henry the great. Now shed agiane in
English. French and English. 4o in 2's. [W.
Stansby] for J. Budge.
- 13161
- 1610. Henry, the Minstrel. The order and solemnitie of the
creation of prince Henrie, prince of Wales. Whereunto is annexed
the royall maske. (Tethys festival. By S. Daniel.) 4o.
[W. Stansby] for J. Budge.
- 13377.5
- 1620 [?]. Hieron, Samuel. The workes... 1/2 sheet
2o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Parker. (note)
- 13384.3
- 1619, 1620. Hieron, Samuel. The sermons... 2o.
Vol. 2. W. Stansby. [see note 13377.5.]
- 13474
- 1613. Hill, Robert. Christs prayer expounded, a christian
directed, and a communicant prepared. To which is added, a
preface of prayer, [etc.] 8o. W. S[tansby] for E.
Blount and W. Barret.
- 13475
- 1616. Hill, Robert. Christs prayer expounded, a christian
directed, and a communicant prepared. The sixth edition.
8o. W. S[tansby] for W. Barret, 1615.
- 13540
- 1615. Hoby, Sir Edward. A curry-combe for a coxe-combe. Or
purgatories knell....Digested in forme of a dialogue. By Nick-
groome of the Hobie-stable. 4o. W. Stansby for N.
Butter. Ent. 2 November
- [13540.5]
- 1615. Hoby, Sir Edward. A curry-combe for a coxe-combe. Or
purgatories knell. Digested in forme of a dialogue. By Nick-
groome of the Hobie-stable. (Appendix de jesuitica batrachologia-
-per A. Tonstalum.) 4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter.
- 13617
- 1618. Holyday, Barten. þîþþþþàæþà: or the marriage of the
arts. A comedie. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Parker. Ent. 20 April
- 13714
- 1611. Hooker, Richard. Of the lawes of ecclesiastical
politie. 2o. W. Stansby, (sold by M. Lownes). Assigned to
Stansby 11 September 1611.
- 13716
- 1616, 1617, 1618. Hooker, Richard. Of the lawes of
ecclesiasticall politie. 2o. W. Stansby, sold by M.
Lownes, 1617; [book 5:]
W. Stansby, 1616; [part 2:] (Certayne divine tractates.
[W. Stansby] for H. Fetherstone).
- 13841
- 1615. Hoskins, John. Sermons preached at Pauls Crosse and
elsewhere. 4o. W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 10 May
- 13933
- 1610. Hull, John. Saint Peters prophesie of these last daies.
Discovering the iniquity of time. 4o. [W. Stansby
and another?] for N. Fosbrooke. Ent. 21
January 1613. (note)
- [13933a]
- 1611. Hull, John. Saint Peters prophesie of these last daies.
4o. [W. Stansby] for N. Fosbrooke.
- 14049
- 1620. I., E., student in divinity. A new-yeares gift for
English catholikes, or a briefe explication of the new oath of
allegiance. 8o. [W. Stansby].
- 14308
- 1613. Jackson, Thomas. The eternall truth of
scriptures,...Delivered in two bookes of comentaries upon the
Apostles Creede. 8o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Budge. Ent. to Stansby 23
July 1612.
- [14308.5]
- 1613. Jackson, Thomas. The eternall truth of
scriptures,...Delivered in two bookes of comentaries upon the
Apostles Creede. 8o. W. Stansby for E. Crossley.
- 14315
- 1614. Jackson, Thomas. The third booke of commentaries upon
the Apostles Creede, contayning the blasphemous positions of
Jesuites concerning the authoritie of their church. 4o
in 8's. W. Stansby, sold by J. Budge.
- 14708.8
- 1619. Johnston, Arthur. Consilium collegii medici Parisiensis
de mania G. Eglshemii. 8o. Parisiis [i.e. London,
W. Stansby?]
- 14714.5
- 1622 [?]. Johnston, Arthur. Querelae Saravictonis & Biomeae.
8o. [W. Stansby,] 1620.
- 14736
- 1610. Jones, Robert. The muses gardin for delights
[xylographic], or the fifth booke of ayres. 2o. [W.
Stansby] by the assignes of W. Barley.
- 14739.2
- 1614. Jones, William, of Dorset. The mysterie of Christes
nativitie. 4o. [W. Stansby] for R. Hawkins. Ent. 20 July
- 14751
- 1616. Jonson, Ben. The workes of Benjamin Jonson.
2o. Imprinted at London by Will Stansby.
Masques ent. 20 January 1615.
- [14752]
- 1616. Jonson, Ben. The workes of Benjamin Jonson.
2o. London printed by W: Stansby, and are to be
sould by Rich: Meighen.
- 14759
- 1611. Jonson, Ben. Catiline his conspiracy. 4o.
[W. Stansby?] for W. Burre.
- 14763
- 1620. Jonson, Ben. Epicoene, or the silent woman.
4o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Browne. Ent. to J. Browne
and J. Busby 20 September 1610; assigned to J. Browne and ent. to
W. Burre 28 September 1612.
- [14764]
- 1620. Jonson, Ben. Epicoene, or the silent woman....The
author B. Jonson. 4o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Browne.
- 14817
- 1613. Jourdan, Silvester. A plaine decription of the
Barmudas, now called Sommer ilands. With an addition [etc.]
4o. W. Stansby for W. Welby.
- 15324
- 1612. Lawne, Christopher. The prophane schism of the
Brownists. Discovered by C. Lawne, J. Fowler, [etc.]
4o. [W. Stansby for W. Burre]. Ent. to Burre 6
July 1612.
- 15434
- 1614. Leighton, Sir William. The teares or lamentations of a
sorrowfull soule, composed with musicall ayres. 2o.
W. Stansby.
- 15514.5
- 1611. L'Espine, Jean de. Three godly treatises. 1. To comfort
the sicke. 2. Against the feare of death. 3. Of the resurrection.
Translated by S. Veghelman. 8o. W. Stansby for R.
- 15641
- 1620. Linaker, Robert. [A comfortable treatise for such as
are afflicted in conscience.] Revised the fourth time.
12o. W. Stansby for J. Parker. Assigned to W.
Barret 8 March 1620.
- 15687
- 1608 [?]. Ling, Nicholas. Politeuphuia wits common wealth.
[`Fourth edition' on A3r] 8o. W.
S[tansby] for J. Smethwicke.
- 15687.3
- 1613 [? after 1612]. Ling, Nicholas. Politeuphuia wits common
wealth. [`Fourth edition' on A3r] 8o. W.
S[tansby] for J. Smethwicke.
- 15687.7
- 1615 [ca.]. Ling, Nicholas. Politeuphuia wits common wealth.
[`Ninth edition' on A3r] 12o. W.
S[tansby] for J. Smethwicke.
- 15688
- 1620 [?]. Ling, Nicholas. Politeuphuia wits common wealth.
[`Tenth edition' on A3r] 12o. W.
S[tansby] for J. Smethwicke.
- 16650.5
- 1611. L'Obel, Matthias de. Perfuming of tobacco, and the
great abuse committed in it. Tranlated by I. N[asmith] G.
4o. W. Stansby.
- 16670
- 1612. Lodge, Thomas. Euphues golden legacie. 4o.
[W. Stansby] for J. Smethwick.
- 16834
- 1617. Louis XIII, King of France. The French kings
declaration against the dukes of Vendosme and Mayenne [etc.]
4o. [W. Stansby] for W. Barret. Ent. 18 February
- 17046
- 1620. Lydiat, Thomas. Solis et lunae periodus [etc.]
8o in 4's. typis G. S[tansby]. (note)
- 17418
- 1613. Marlowe, Christopher. Hero and Leander. 4o.
W. Stansby for E. Blunt
and W. Barret. Assigned
to J. Pindley from Wolfe 27 April 1612.
- 17526
- 1615. Martyn, Willam. The historie, and lives, of twentie
kings of England. With the successions of the dukes [etc.]
2o. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 20
August 1614. (note)
- [17527]
- 1615. Martyn, Willam. The historie, and lives, of twentie
kings of England. (The successions of the dukes [etc.])
2o. [W. Stansby] for J. Bill, W. Barret and H. Fetherstone.
- 17681
- 1620. Mavericke, Radford. The grieving of Gods spirit.
Contayning the summe of a sermon. 4o. W.
- 17682
- 1617. Mavericke, Radford. The practice of repentence. Or a
sermon. 4o. W. Stansby.
- 17840
- 1611. Meriton, George. A sermon preached before the generall
assembly at Glascoe. 4o. W. Stansby for H. Featherstone. Ent. 6
June 1611.
- 17870
- 1613. Middleton Richard. The carde and compasse of life.
Directing all men to arrive at the harbour of heaven.
8o. W. S[tansby] for W. Burre. Ent. 15 May
- 17887
- 1619. Middleton, Thomas. The Inner-Temple masque. Or masque
of heroes. 4o. [W. Stansby] for J. Browne. Ent. 10 July
- 17924
- 1612. Milles, Robert. Abrahams suite for Sodome. A sermon.
8o. W. Stansby for M. Lawe.
- 17942
- 1610. Milwarde, John. Jacobs great day of trouble, and
deliverance. A sermon. 4o. [W. Stansby] for E. Edgar. Ent. 26 October
- 17944
- 1617. Minsheu, John. id est, ductor
in linguas, the guide to tongues. In undecim linguis.
(Vocabularium hispanicolatinum....A most copious Spanish
dictionarie.) 2o. [W. Stansby and M. Bradwood] at the charges of
J. Minsheu published and printed, sold at J. Brownes shop.
- 18014
- 1612. Monipennie, John. The abridgement or summarie of the
Scots chronicles. (A short description of the western iles of
Scotland.) 4o. 2 parts. [W. Stansby for] J. Budge; [part 2 for S. Stafford]. Ent. to
Stafford 14 August 1612.
- 18019
- 1612. Monipennie, John. A christian almanacke. Needfull and
true. Written by J. M[onipennie.] 8o. [W. Stansby]
for J. Budge. Ent. 2
July 1611.
- 18180
- 1619. Morton, Thomas. A defence of the innocencie of the
three ceremonies of the church of England. Second impression.
4o. [W. Stansby] for W. Barret.
- 18183
- 1610. Morton, Thomas. The encounter against M. Parsons, by a
review of his last sober reckoning [etc.] 4o. [W.
Stansby and Eliot's Court Press] for J. Bill. Ent. 27 April
- 18480
- 1615. Neville, Alexander. Norfolkes furies, or a view of
Ketts campe: necessary for the malcontents, with a table of the
maiors and sheriffes of this worshipfull city of Norwich.
Translated by R. W[oods.] 4o. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 4
August 1615.
- 18521
- 1614. Niccols, Richard. The furies. With vertues encomium.
Or, the image of honour. In two bookes of epigrammes.
8o. W. Stansby.
- 18523
- 1615. Niccols, Richard. Monodia or walthams complaint, upon
the death of the lady Honor Hay. 8o. W. S[tansby]
for R. Meighen and T. Jones. Ent. to Stansby 7
November 1614.
- 18606
- 1619. Norden, John. An eye to heaven in earth.
12o. W. Stansby for R. Meighen. Ent. 20 March
- 18612
- 1614. Norden, John. A load-starre to spiritual life.
12o. W. Stansby.
- 18628
- 1615. Norden, John. A pensive soules delight. 12o.
W. Stansby for J. Busby. Ent. 8 December
- 18640
- 1610. Norden, John. The surveyors dialogue. Divided into five
bookes. Now newly imprinted. And a sixt booke added.
4o. W. S[tansby] for J. Busby. Ent. to T. Man,
junior, and J. Busby, junior, 16 June 1609.
- 18753
- 1615. Nyndge, Edward. A true and fearful vexation of one
Alexander Nyndge. Written by his owne brother E. Nyndge.
4o. [W. Stansby] for W. B[arret?] sold by E. Wright.
- 18782.5
- 1619. Odingsells, Charles. Prophecying, casting out devils,
and miracles: briefly discoursed in two sermons. 8o.
W. Stansby.
- [18783]
- 1619. Odingsells, Charles. Two sermons, lately preached at
Langar in Belvoir. 8o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Parker, 1620.
- 18993
- 1619. Owen, John. Epigrams of that most wittie and worthie
epigrammatist Mr. J. Owen. Translated by J. Vicars.
8o. W. S[tansby] for J. Smethwicke. Ent. 17
September 1618.
- 19059
- 1616. P., C. Two briefe treatises. The one...concerning
catechisme. The other, touching peace. 8o. W.
Stansby for W. Butler.
Ent. 26 September 1616.
- 19083a
- 1612. Pacius, Julius. Logicae. Rudimenta. Secundo editio.
12o. ap. G. Stansby.
- 19458.5
- 1612. The speedy passage to heaven. 8o. [W.
Stansby] for T. Bushell. Ent. 6 July
- [19458.7]
- 1612. The speedy passage to heaven. 8o. [W.
Stansby] for T. B[ushell].
- 19507
- 1612. Peacham, Henry, the younger. Graphice or the most
auncient and excellent art of drawing and limming. 4o.
W. S[tansby] for J. Browne. Ent. 16 December
- 19512
- 1615. Peacham, Henry, the younger. A most true relation of
the affaires of Cleve and Gulick. With the articles of the peace,
propounded at Santen. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Helme. Ent. 18 January
- 19514
- 1615. Peacham, Henry, the younger. Prince Henrie revived. Or
a poeme. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Helme. Ent. 18 January
- 19779
- 1617. Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Auli Persii Flacci satyrae sex.
Cum posthumis commentarijs, J. Bond. Newly reviewed.
8o. W. Stanbsy for W. Arondell. Ent. 29 March
- 20138
- 1612. Pots, Thomas. The wonderfull discoverie of witches in
the countie of Lancaster. 4o. W. Stansby for J. Barnes, 1613. Ent. 7
November 1612.
- 20503
- 1619. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrim. Microcosmus, or
the historie of man. 8o. W. S[tansby] for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 12
June 1619.
- 20505
- 1613. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrimage. Or relations
of the world and the religions observed in all ages.
2o. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone. Ent. 7
August 1612.
- 20506
- 1614. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrimage. Or relations
of the world and the religions observed in all ages. Second
edition, much enlarged. 2o. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone.
- 20507
- 1617. Purchas, Samuel. Purchas his pilgrimage. Or relations
of the world and the religions observed in all ages. Third
edition, much enlarged. 2o. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone.
- 20563
- 1613. Quin, Walter. Corona virtutum principe
dignarum,...inusum D, Caroli principis. 12o. [W.
Stansby] ap. J. Billium.
- 20614
- 1619. Rainolds, John. V. CL. D.Joannis Rainoldi,...orationes
duodecim; cum alijs quibusdam opusculis. Adjecta est oratio
funebris, in obitu eiusdem habita … I. Wake. 12o.
imp. G. Stansbeius pro H. Fetherstone.
- 20637
- 1614. Ralegh, Sir Walter. The history of the world.
2o. (W. Stansby) for W. Burre. Ent. 15 April 1611.
- 20638
- 1617. Ralegh, Sir Walter. The history of the world.
2o. (W. Stansby for W. Burre).
- 20748
- 1616. Rathborne, Aaron. The surveyor on four bookes.
2o. W: Stansby for W: Burre.
- 20758
- 1611. Ravenscroft, Thomas. Melismata. Musicall phansies.
Fitting the court, citie,a nd countrey humours. To 3, 4, and 5,
voyces. 4o. W. Stansby for T. Adams. Ent. 19 March
- 20912
- 1614. Reuter, Adam. Delineato consilii brevissima: quam
societati mercatorum Belgarum consecrat A. Reuter. 4o.
[W. Stansby]. Ent. to Stansby 8 April 1614.
- 20914a
- 1616. Rueter, Adam. Henrici Fitzsimonis, Soc. Jes. contra
ius, rationem, Deum, pugna: quam, demonstratum ex eiusdem
Britannomachia, Henrico Wallopp consecrat A. Reuter.
4o. [W. Stansby].
- 21016
- 1612. Richardson, Charles. The repentence of Peter and Judas.
4o. W. Stansby for E. Edgar. Ent. to Edgar and
Jos. Browne 6 December 1611.
- [21016a]
- 1612. Richardson, Charles. The repentence of Peter and Judas.
4o. W. Stansby for Jos. Browne.
- 21019
- 1616. Richardson, Charles. A workeman, that needeth not be
ashamed. A sermon describing the duety of a godly minister.
4o. W. Stansby for W. Barret. Ent. 17 July
- 21024
- 1612. Richer, Edmond. A treatise of ecclesiasticall and
politike power. Translated out of the Latin originall.
4o. W. S[tansby], sold by J. Budge. Ent. 23 March
- 21338
- 1619. Rous, Francis, the Elder. The arte of happiness.
Consisting of three parts. 12o. W. Stansby for J.
Parker. Assigned by H.
Fetherstone to Parker 3 April 1626.
- 21538
- 1620. Sack. Muld sack: or the apologie of Hic Mulier: to the
late declamation against her. 4o. [W. Stansby] for
R. Meighen. Ent. 29
April 1620.
- 21608
- 1617. Salerno. The Englishmans docter. Or, the Schoole of
Salerne. Whereunto is adjoyned precepts for the preservation of
health. Written by H. Ronsovius. (Now published. By S. H[obbs?]
8o. W. Stansby for the widdow Helme.
- 21834
- 1619. Sclater, William, the Elder. An exposition with notes
upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians. 4oin 8's.
W. Stansby for J. Parker. Ent. to H.
Fetherstone and Parker 2 July 1618.
- [21834]
- 1619. Sclater, William, the Elder. An exposition with notes
upon the first epistle to the Thessalonians. 4oin 8's.
W. Stansby for H. Fethersone.
- 21858
- 1619. Scot, Patrick. Omnibus & singulus. Affording matter
profitable for all men, alluding to a Fathers advice or last will
to his sonne. 8o. W. Stansby. Ent. 12 June
- 21858.5
- 1619. Scot, Patrick. Omnibus & singulus. 8o. W.
- [21859]
- 1620. Scot, Patrick. A fathers advice or last will to his
sonne. 8o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Parker.
- 22167
- 1617. Selden, John. Joannis Seldini I. C. de dis Syris
syntagmata II. 8o. G. Stansbeius, bibliopolarum
corpori. Ent. to the partners in the Latin stock 27 September
- 22177
- 1614. Selden, John. Titles of honor by John Selden.
4o. W. Stansby for J. Helme. Ent. 14 July
- 22213
- 1613. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. The workes of Lucius Annaeus
Seneca, both morall and naturall. Translated by T. Lodge.
2o. W. Stansby, 1614. Ent. to E. Blount 15
April 1600.
- 22214
- 1620. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. The workes of Lucius Annaeus
Seneca, both morall and naturall. Newly inlarged by T. Lodge.
2o. W. Stansby. Assigned by widow Stansby to R.
Bishop 4 March 1639.
- 22361
- 1617. Shakespeare, William. Venus and Adonis. 8o.
[W. Stansby] for W. B[arret]. Assigned to W.
Barret 16 February 1617.
- 22397
- 1612. Sheldon, Richard. The motives of Richard Sheldon for
his renouncing of communion with Rome. 4o. [W. Hall and W. Stansby] for N. Butter. Ent. 7 January
1612. (note)
- 22544a.3
- 1617 [?]. Sidney, Sir Philip. The countesse of Pembrokes
Arcadia, Sir William Alexander's Supplement. 2o.
[W. Stansby for W. Barret?]. Ent. to W.
Barret 31 August 1616.
- 22544a.5
- 1617 [?]. Sidney, Sir Philip. The countesse of Pembrokes
Arcadia, Sir William Alexander's Supplement. 2o.
[W. Stansby for W. Barret?].
- 22740
- 1611. Smith, Henry. Three sermons made by maister H. Smith.
1. The benefit of contentation. 2. The affinitie of the
faithfull. 3. The lost sheepe is found. 4o in 8's.
[W. Stansby?] for J. Smethwicke.
- 22741
- 1613. Smith, Henry. Three sermons made by maister H. Smith.
1. The benefit of contentation. 2. The affinitie of the
faithfull. 3. The lost sheepe is found. 4o in 8's.
[W. Stansby] for J. Smethwick.
- 22771
- 1615. Smith, Henry. Sixe sermons. 4o in 8's. W.
Stansby for W. Barret.
Assigned 16 February 1617.
- 22772
- 1618. Smith, Henry. Two sermons preached by maister H. Smith:
with a prayer for the morning thereunto adjoyned. And published
by a more perfect coppie than here-to-fore. 4o in 8's.
W. Stansby for W. Barret.
- 22825
- 1613. Smith, Samuel, A.M. Aditus ad logicam. In usum eorum
qui prim• academiam salutant. Autore S. S[mith] artium magistro.
8o. [W. Stansby].
- 22863
- 1612. Smith, Sir Thomas, Doctor of Civil Laws. De republica
Anglorum. The maner of gouernment of England. 4o.
W. Stansby for J. Smethwicke.
- 22962
- 1615. Southwell, Robert. Saint Peters complaint, with other
poemes. 4o. W. Stansby for W. Barret. Assigned 16
February 1617.
- 23111
- 1613. Sprint, John. The summe of the christian religion;
contayning the chiefe points of perswasion an practise of a
christian. In question and answere. 8o. W. Stansby
for W. Burre. Ent. 15
May 1613.
- 23200.5
- 1611. Standish, Arthur. The commons complaint. Wherein is
contained two speciall grievances. The first is, the destruction
of woods. The second is, the dearth of victuals. 4o.
W. Stansby. Ent. 17 May 1611.
- 23201
- 1611. Standish, Arthur. The commons complaint. Wherein is
contained two speciall grievances. The first is, the destruction
of woods. The second is, the dearth of victuals. 4o.
W. Stansby.
- 23201.5
- 1611. Standish, Arthur. The commons complaint. Wherein is
contained two speciall grievances. The first is, the destruction
of woods. The second is, the dearth of victuals. 4o.
W. Stansby.
- 23203
- 1612. Standish, Arthur. The commons complaint. Newly
corrected and augmented. 4o. W. Stansby.
- 23350
- 1612. Strachey, William. For the colony in Virginea
Britannia. Lawes divine, morall, and martiall. 4o.
[W. Stansby] for W. Burre. Ent. 13 December
- 23412
- 1620. Styles, Christopher. The gaines of seeking God. In two
sermons, 4o. W. Stansby.
- 23544
- 1620. Swetnam, Joseph. Swetnam, the woman-hater, arraigned by
woman. A new comedie. 4o. [W. Stansby] for R. Meighen. Ent. 17 October
- 23545
- 1612. Swift, John. The divine eccho, or, resounding voice
from heaven. 12o. [W. Stansby] for R. Bonion.
- 23548
- 1611. Swinburne, Henry. A briefe treatise of testaments and
last willes. Newly corrected and augmented. 4o in 8's.
[W. Stansby? and T. Snodham] for the Company of
Stationers. Ent. to
E. Weaver 6 May 1605; `this belongs to the company' i.e., English
Stock, 2 March 1607. (note)
- 23602
- 1617. Symson, William. De accentibus Hebraicis breves &
perspicuae regulae. 8o. typis G. Stansby, venduntur
in aed J. Woodcocke.
- 23623
- 1616. T, J., Gent. The A, B, C, of armes, or, an introduction
directorie; whereby the order of militarie exercises may bee
understood. 8o. W. Stansby for J. Helmes. Ent. 12 May
- 23827
- 1617. Taylor, Thomas. Davids learning, or the way to true
happiness: in a commentarie upon the 32. psalme. Preached and now
published by T. T[aylor] late fellow of Chirsts Colledge in
Cambridge. 4o in 8's. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone.
- 23828
- 1618. Taylor, Thomas. Davids learning, or the way to true
happiness: in a commentaries upon the 32. psalme. The second time
corrected. 4o in 8's. W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone.
- 24025
- 1618. Thompson, Thomas. Antichrist arraigned: in a sermon at
Pauls Crosse. With the tryall of guides. 4o in 8's.
W. Stansby for R. Meighen. Ent. 30 March
- 24027
- 1612. Thompson, Thomas. A diet for a drunkard. Delivered in
two sermons in Bristoll, 1608. 4o. [W. Stansby] for
R. Bankworth. Ent. 9
December 1611.
- 24043
- 1615. Thornes, Edward. Encomium Salopae, or the description
of Shrowesbury. 8o. [W. Stansby] for R. Meighen.
- 24070
- 1620. Tilenus, Daniel. Paraenesis ad Scotos, Genevensis
disciplinae zelotas. 8o. typis G. Stansby, pro N.
Buttero. Ent. 24 July
- 24130
- 1613. Topsell, Edward. The reward of religion. Delivered in
sundrie lectures vpon the booke of Ruth. Newly corrected and
augmented. 8o. W. Stansby, sold by J. Budge. Assigned to Stansby
11 September 1611.
- 24132
- 1613. Topsell, Edward. Times lamentation: or an exposition on
the prophet Joel, in sundry sermons or meditations. Newly
corrected and augmented. 4o in 8's. W. Stansby for
N. Butter. Assigned 13
November 1609.
- 24176
- 1615. Traske, John. A pearle for a prince,...Delivered in two
sermons. 8o. W. Stansby for M. Lownes. Ent. 29 March
- 24178
- 1620. Traske, John. A treatise of libertie from Judaisme, or
an acknowledgement of true christian libertie. 4o.
W. Stansby for N. Butter. Ent. 1 May
- 24307
- 1613. Tuke, Thomas. A discourse of death, bodily, ghostly,
and eternall. 4o. W. Stansbie for G. Norton.
- 24335
- 1597. Turkey. The policy on the Turkish empire. The first
booke. 4o. J. Windet for W. S(tansby). Ent. 28
April 1597.
- 24371
- 1616. Turvell, Thomas. The poore-mans path-way to heaven.
8o. W. Stansby, sold by T. Pavier.
- 24508.3
- 1609. Udall, Thomas. A briefe replie of Thomas Udall, gent.
to a short memorandum, or shew of answere against his booke
intituled: A briefe view...by B.C. student in divinite.
8o. W. Stansby for S. Macham. Ent. 21 August
- 24622
- 1611. Vaughn, William. The spirit of detraction, conjured and
convicted in seven circles. A worke both divine and morall.
4o. W. Stansby [and T. Snodham] for G. Norton. Ent. 11 May 1611.
- [24622.5]
- 1611. Vaughn, William. The spirit of detraction, conjured and
convicted in seven circles. 4o. W. S[tansby and T.
Snodham] for G. Norton.
- 24698
- 1618. Vicars, John. A prospective glasse to looke into
heaven, or the coelestial Canaan described. 8o. W.
Stansby for J. Smethwicke. Ent. 17
September 1618.
- 24833
- 1610. A true declaration of the estate of the colonie in
Virginia, with a confutation of scandalous reports. Published by
advise and direction of the councell of Virginia. 4o.
[Eliot's Court Press and
W. Stansby] for W. Barret. Ent. 8 November
1610. (note)
- 24852
- 1612. Vives, Joannes Ludovicus. Joannis Ludovici
Vivis....Libri. XII. De disciplinis. 8o. [W.
Stansby]. Ent. to J. Crosley 10 February 1612.
- [24852.3]
- 1612. Vives, Joannes Ludovicus. Libri. XII. Quorum septem
priores sunt de corruptis artibus quinque posteriores de
trahendis disciplinis. 8o. [W. Stansby].
- 24950
- 1610. Wakeman, Robert. The judges charge. As it was given at
Exceter. In a sermon. 8o. [W. Stansby] for G. Norton. Ent. 4 July
- 25084
- 1612. Warner, William. Albions England. Or historicall map of
the same island. 4o 8's. [W. Stansby] for G. P[otter,] sold by R. Moore.
- 25157
- 1613. Webbe, George. The bride royall, or the spiritual
marriage. Delivered by way of congratulation upon the marriage
betweene the palsegrave, and the ladie Elizabeth. In a sermon.
8o. W. Stansby for R. Mabbe. Assigned from Mab to
W. Arundell 13 April 1614.
- 25163
- 1612. Webbe, George. The path-way to honor. 8o.
W. S[tansby] for R. Mabbe. Ent. 23 June
- 25261.5
- 1613. West, John. The severall notorious and lewd cousnages
of John West, and Alice West. Practised in this citie, and many
places neere adjoynng,...who were arraigned and convicted the 14.
of Januarie. 4o. [W. Stansby] for E. Marchant. Ent. to J.
Trundle 30 January 1613.
- 25294
- 1616. Whalley, John. Gods plentie, feeding true piety. In a
sermon preached at Pauls crosse. 4o. W. Stansby,
sold by R. Mabbe. Ent. to
Stansby 20 January 1616.
- [25294.5]
- 1616 [?]. Whalley, John. Gods plentie, feeding true piety. In
a sermon preached at Pauls crosse. 4o. W.
- 25433.3
- 1615. Whitgre, Thomas. A necessary instruction to cast
account by, serving for all such as are unskilfull in the art of
arithmaticke, comprehended in two tables. 2o. W.
Stansby, sold by J. Budge. Ent. to L. Greene 28
April 1615.
- 25434
- 1613. Whiting, Giles. Short questions and answeres to be
learned of such as be ignorant, before they be admitted to the
Lords supper. 8o. [W. Stansby?] for C. L[egge, Cambridge].
- 25659.5
- 1613. Wilkinson, Robert. The merchant royall. A sermon
reached at the nuptuals of lord Hay. 4o. W. Stansby
for E. Blunt and W. Barret.
- 25872
- 1613. Witches apprehended, examined and executed. With a
stange triall how to know a witch. 4o. [W. Stansby]
for E. Marchant. Ent.
to J. Trundell 23 January 1613.
- 25985
- 1617. Worship, William. The christians jewell. Or, the
treasure of a good conscience. 12o. W. Stansby for
J. Parker. Assigned by
H. Fetherstone to Parker 3 April 1626.
- 25986
- 1618. Worship, William. The christians jewell. Or, the
treasure of a good conscience. Revised and inlarged.
12o. W. Stansby for J. Parker.
- 3205: "Jones apparently only printed 2nd
- 3210:"Apparently by the same printer as
- 3214:"Apparently by the same printer as
- 3215:"Apparently by the same printer as
- 3749: "Stansby was fined 28 January 1613
for printing T. Adam's part of this; see Court-Book C pp.
452, 454."
- 5583: "The title-page is a cancel, and this
is clearly a reissue of unsold sheets. The letter on
F2r is dated 17 July 1613, and the folding Table with
sheet G and imprint: 'W. S[tansby] 1613. With Grace and
Priuiledge Royall' has its own dedication, dated 28 July
- 5808: "Ben Jonson's acrostic verse on 2nd
b4r indicates Coryate paid for the publication
- 6845: "For evidence of a dispute between
Stansby and Barnes over [The Defence of Trade], see Court-Book
C, p. 87."
- 6945.2: "Stansby printed quires A-M; Eld
- 6965: "Creede apparently printed quires B-
O, Stansby the rest."
- 7410: "Stansby printed quires B-R;
Purslowe the rest."
- 10639: "For the order allowing Meighen to
enter this see Court-Book C."
- 10810: "Apparently printed by the same
printer as 10814."
- 10814: "In 1621? Butter and Stansby were
punished for printing this; see Greg Companion, pp. 209-
11; the documents are undated and possibly miscalendared in
Cal.S.P.D. since the punishments seem to have occured in
early 1621; the proclamation referred to by Stansby may be 8649.
F.S. Ferguson identified other pamphlets on the Bohemian question
from the same press, which he thought might be that of W. Jones:
3210, 3214, 3215, 10810, 11350, 11351, 11356; 11349 may belong to
this group also."
- 11207: "Stansby printed A-2Z and 5V-5Z;
Eld did the rest."
- 11349: "Possibly by the same printer as
- 11350: "Apparently by the same printer as
- 11351: "Apparently by the same printer as
- 11351.3: "Apparently by the same
printer as 10814."
- 11356: "Apparently by the same printer as
- 11941: "Eliot's Court Press printed 2nd
- 12663.4: In two parts; part 2 printed
by W. Jaggard.
- 12707: "All subsequent title-pages name
fetherstone as publisher except for Contemplations volume 3
(books 9-11) and Quo vadis, which name N. Butter and W.
Butler. Stansby printed 3D-3Q of part 1 and A-Q of part 2;
Griffin the rest."
- 13005a.5: "Regarding a lost edition
printed by Stansby for Garbrand in 1614 see Court-Book C,
pp. 70, 77."
- 13377.5: "Hieron's folio works pose
complex problems because the role of the engraved title-page
changed, because the two parts comprising most volumes can be
different editions and bound in reverse order, and because a
number of printers and publishers shared the production of Vol.
- 13933: "A second printer or compositor
apparently printed 3M-3X."
- 17046: "See Court-Book C, p.
- 17527: "See Acts P.C., 1615-16, p.
100. Martin forced to apologize for offensive passages."
- 20637: "See , pp. 77,
355, 357, and Greg, Companion, p. 52."
- 20748: This book (Rathborne's Surveyor)
is advertised on C8 of STC 420.11, a 1618 almanack by Thomas
- 22397: "Stansby printed quires B-X; Hall
the rest, including cancels for *2, E2, I3-4, 2C3.
- 23548: "See Court-Book C, p. 43.
Apparently Stansby printed through quire 2F; Snodham did 2G to
the end."
- 24622: "Snodham printed 2O-3B."
- 24833: "Eliot's Court Press printed A-1st
F; Stansby the rest."
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