Description: quadrangular base of white stone; twodepressions on top where statue stood; inscription on front: "Hippon (dedicates) Epinika the daughter of Nikias to Zeus and Trephonios"; IG VII.3080 on one face, IG VII.3081 on opposite face
0.25 m (height), 0.85 m (width), 0.85 m (depth)Create Date: 230-150 BC (Larfeld), beginning of 3rd c. BC (Albrecht)
Discovery: Lebadeia(November 1880)(Note: in foundation of house of Konstantinos Tomaras, NW of town; on same base as IG VII.3090 (base of Epinice))
Original Location: Lebadeia
Current Location: unknown
(Note: Khaironeia museum cat. #65)
Phillo the daughter of Niominios
, being present
for her as well her son
Niomeinios the son of A
, dedic
her own slave Hermaia to
Zeus Basileus and to Tre
phonios to
be consecrated
the entire time, not to Phillo belonging nor to her
heirs nor to any other in any way.
But if someone should lay claim to He
rmaia or otherwise wrong
her in any way, let them act as advocate and come
forward on her behalf, the priests and
the hierarchs who are in authority for the time and, of others, whoever is wi
ling. Witnesses:
Diogitos the son of Apheliskos
Xenon the son of Kaphisodoros
Karpinos the son of Eu
Pouthagoras the son of Klion