
 ⇒      ⇒ Boeotia  

Description: fragment of "leucophaeus" (IG desc.) stone

Create Date: 200-150 BC (Albrecht)

Discovery: Khaironeia (Kaprouna, Kapraina)(no later than 1892)

Original Location: Khaironeia

Current Location: Khaironeia museum(not found)

Bibliography: Inscriptiones Graecae

( ( Epit imos being archon ), in the month of . . . ), A
theno doros . . . dedicates the one bo
rn to hi m from the house-born slave
Peitha gora , the slave-boy, whose name is ...
mas, as cons ecrated to Sarapis . . .
eithet . . . to no one belonging
in any wa y . . .
EIS . . .
DA . . .