
 ⇒      ⇒ Boeotia  

Description: architectural piece (parastade?) of dark grey-blue stone with white and yellow flecks, inscribed on lateral faces (C, D), recesses carved at three corners (right C, right D, left D) broken into two pieces (mended break on lower half)

upper half: .69 m (preserved height), 0.28 m (width), 0.39 m (depth); lower half: .785 m (preserved height), 0.32 m (width), 0.50 m (depth)0.006-0.01 m

Create Date: ia', ib' 100-50 BC (Pappadakis), beginning of 2d c. BC (Albrecht), before 171 BC (Schachter); ig': 100-50 BC (Pappadakis, Albrecht), shortly after 171 BC (Schachter)

Discovery: Thebes?(no later than 1902)

Original Location: Koroneia(Note: Kharopeion)

Current Location: Thebes museum(Note: inv. #1905-05B)

Bibliography: N. G. Pappadakis"Peri to Kharopeion tes Koroneias" in Arkhaiologikon Deltion2(1916)217D(Note: three manumissions (ia', ib', ig')); A. Schachter2(1986)7-8 n.3(Note: on date)

. . . dedicates his own house-
slav e to Kharops He
rakleis , Euame ros , to be
consecrated and fr ee. And
let it not be possible for anyone to reduce
to slaver y Euameros
in an y manner.
But if someone should r educe
him to slavery, let d eprive
him the priestess an d who
ever else is willi ng. Witnesses:
Sosiklei s . . .
Pourrikhos the son of Timon ,
Thioklida s . . .
Timon A. . .
God. Good for tune. ( ( Mnas
ixenos being a rchon ), in the mon
th of (Agri onios ) ) . . .
...ion d edicates his own
ser vant . . .
. . .
. . . them having remained with him,
so long as he live s, and with his wife
Harmodia, without complaint.
Wh en they sh ould die,
Heirodoto s and Harmodia ,
let them bur y them, Onasimos and Dio
niousio s , and do
the cu stomary things, all
of them, each y ear
for t hem having d ied.
Let it not be po ssib le to red uce to sl
avery Dioniou sios and
Onasim os, neither for, of the he
irs of Heirodot os , anyone nor for any
o ther in any
manner, but f ree
let them be. But if someone sh ould reduce
them to sla very, let both the pries
tess of Kh ar ops Herakleis
dep rive him and serve as
protector, and, of the o thers, whoever is wi
lling, on the grounds that consec rated they are
and free, Dio niousios and
Onasimos, and that which they
possess. Witnes ses: Pro
xenos and Phanonda s the sons of Kalli
kritos, Polioudo ros the son of T
imasenetos , Alexia s . . .