
 ⇒      ⇒ Boeotia  

Description: architectural piece (parastade?) of "Granitsa" or "Lebadeia" marble (dark grey-blue stone), inscribed on lateral faces (A, B), recesses carved at three corners (right A, right B, left B)

1.50 m (height), 0.48 m (width), 0.30 m (depth)

Create Date: a', b', g', d': 100-50 BC (Pappadakis), beginning of 2d c. BC (Albrecht), before 171 BC (Schachter)

Discovery: Koroneia(no later than 1916)(Note: in wall between doors of sanctuary in deserted chapel of Agia Paraskeue, northeast of ancient Koroneia, between Soulenariou and Koutomoula)

Original Location: Koroneia(Note: Kharopeion)

Current Location: Koroneia?(Note: same location?)

Bibliography: N. G. Pappadakis"Peri to Kharopeion tes Koroneias" in Arkhaiologikon Deltion2(1916)217A(Note: four manumissions (a', b', g', d'); d' inscribed between 15th and 16th lines of g'); E. Schwyzer(1923)Leipzig247503A(Note: on Ab' only); L. Darmezin"Quelques problèmes relatifs à l'affranchissement en Béotie"(1985)Paris327, 330-31(Note: on Ab' only; provides French translation); A. Schachter1(1981)4-6(Note: on Ab' only; also referenced in Teiresias E82.164); A. Schachter2(1986)7-8 n.3(Note: on date)

And let no one lay claim to or lay
hold of or reduce
to slavery for any
othe r Euamer os,
nor of the descendants of Euameros
anyone, on whatever
pretext, nor the
heirs of Heirodo
tos. But if someone should reduce
to slavery Euam e
ros or any of the descendants of Euameros,
let her punish him, the
priestess of Kharops
Herakleis and, of the Boi o
tians, whoever is willing.
Witnesses: Onasimos
the son of Asopon , Ophelan dros
the son of Autenetos , Oliou
mpikhos the son of Glaukinos , So
krateis the son of Klion .
God. Go od fort
une. ( ( Mnasixenos being ar
chon), in the month of
(Thiouios) ), Opheleimos
the son of Nikippos dedicates
his own serv
ant Soura as
consecrated to Herakleis Kha
rops, her having remained
with him so long as
he lives, without complaint.
Let her remain as well
with Philon, until the whole shall
have passed, of years, twenty-
one. After this
time, let her atte nd
Philon at the sacrific es,
all of them, and Nikippos
at the (Akrea). Let her follow as well
the the road of the Boio
tians each year
during both the (Akrea) and the (Panamia)
in the customary fashion.
But if someone should reduce to
slavery Soura, let the aut
hority be the priestess of
He rakleis Kharops
and of the Boiotians, whoever is wil
ling. Witnesses: Andron
the son of Mnasippos , Nikippos
the son of Polioukrates , Thion
the son of Saandros , Pandon
the son of Thiozotos . God. Good
for tune. ( ( Phen ias
being archon), in the mon th of
(Homoloios) ), Pando n
the son of Dion and Oloum
pikha the daughter of Mines dedi c
ate their own house-
born sl aves Dioniousia and
Soura to Kharops
Herakleis , them having remai
ned, without complaint, with
P andon and Oloumpikh a ,
as before. Bu t if
someone should lay hold of them, let them
de prive him, of the Boiotians, whoever is wi l
ling, and the prie
stess of Herakle
is . Witnesses: Herm
eos the son of Kallippos ,
Meliton the son of Philok
les , Aristion
the son of Homoloikhos , Pour
rikhos the son of Timon .
God. Good fortune.
( ( Kaphi sias being archon),
in the mon th of (Alalkomeni os )
(on the second) ), Nikon the son of Agasi as ,
Parthena his ow
n servant, dedica
tes as consecrated to Kharops
Herakleis , her having remai
ned with Nikon so long as he lives,
Nikon. Let it not be possible for any
one Parthena to reduce
to slavery. But if not, let the
authority be the priestess, depriving him,
and of the Boiotians, whoever is willing.
Witnesses: Alexon the son of Euro
umakhos , Timandros the son of Kaphiso
philos , Teis... . . .,
Philotas the son of Nikon .